Sybyl mol

Code name: sybyl

Sybyl mol import/export is beta level in the current version of Marvin. Charges are neither imported, nor exported by Marvin. Query properties cannot be stored in Sybyl mol files.

Export options

a or +a     Aromatize. Example: "sybyl:a"
a_... or +a_...   Aromatize using the specified algorithm.
ChemAxon: a_cx or a_chemaxon (default),
Daylight: a_day or a_daylight.
Example: "sybyl:a_day"
-a Dearomatize. Example: "sybyl:-a"
H or +H Add explicit Hydrogen atoms. Example: "sybyl:H"
-H Remove explicit Hydrogen atoms. Example: "sybyl:-H"