LIPID MAPS® Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

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Search LMPD by Keyword / Database ID or Browse by Gene Ontology GO Annotations Each LMPD record contains: Record Overview, Ontology / Pathway Information, Domain, UniProt Annotations, Related Proteins.
Proteins with GO_ID GO:0008203
LMP007832 180737 Protein C46C11.1 C46C11.1 C. elegans
LMP008017 179422 Protein DAF-36 daf-36 C. elegans
LMP007889 180889 Protein DAF-9 daf-9 C. elegans
LMP008007 178983 Protein DHS-16 dhs-16 C. elegans
LMP008161 175358 Protein H14E04.1 H14E04.1 C. elegans
LMP001438 27329 angiopoietin-like 3 ANGPTL3 Human
LMP000385 335 apolipoprotein A-I APOA1 Human
LMP000398 336 apolipoprotein A-II APOA2 Human
LMP001418 337 apolipoprotein A-IV APOA4 Human
LMP000974 338 apolipoprotein B APOB Human
LMP002350 55911 apolipoprotein B receptor APOBR Human
LMP000402 341 apolipoprotein C-I APOC1 Human
LMP000407 345 apolipoprotein C-III APOC3 Human
LMP000386 348 apolipoprotein E APOE Human
LMP000829 319 apolipoprotein F APOF Human
LMP000431 23780 apolipoprotein L, 2 APOL2 Human
LMP000319 9619 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 1 ABCG1 Human
LMP001605 9023 cholesterol 25-hydroxylase CH25H Human
LMP012380 1071 cholesteryl ester transfer protein, plasma CETP Human
LMP005600 8029 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) CUBN Human
LMP000259 1583 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 CYP11A1 Human
LMP002471 1593 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily A, polypeptide 1 CYP27A1 Human
LMP000599 9420 cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily B, polypeptide 1 CYP7B1 Human
LMP000533 10682 emopamil binding protein (sterol isomerase) EBP Human
LMP006768 2232 ferredoxin reductase FDXR Human
LMP000972 3069 high density lipoprotein binding protein HDLBP Human
LMP001118 3931 lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase LCAT Human
LMP012343 3952 leptin LEP Human
LMP001427 3991 lipase, hormone-sensitive LIPE Human
LMP000047 3949 low density lipoprotein receptor LDLR Human
LMP005380 26119 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1 LDLRAP1 Human
LMP006806 4035 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 LRP1 Human
LMP012345 4041 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 LRP5 Human
LMP002884 8720 membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 1 MBTPS1 Human
LMP006777 51360 membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 2 MBTPS2 Human
LMP000261 4864 Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 NPC1 Human
LMP006771 10577 Niemann-Pick disease, type C2 NPC2 Human
LMP000515 114879 oxysterol binding protein-like 5 OSBPL5 Human
LMP000426 5467 peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta PPARD Human
LMP000931 58488 phosphatidylcholine transfer protein PCTP Human
LMP001137 6256 retinoid X receptor, alpha RXRA Human
LMP006687 6653 sortilin-related receptor, L(DLR class) A repeats containing SORL1 Human
LMP001471 22937 SREBF chaperone SCAP Human
LMP000836 10948 StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 3 STARD3 Human
LMP002045 6770 steroidogenic acute regulatory protein STAR Human
LMP000054 6646 sterol O-acyltransferase 1 SOAT1 Human
LMP001184 8435 sterol O-acyltransferase 2 SOAT2 Human
LMP001852 6720 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 SREBF1 Human
LMP001475 6721 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 2 SREBF2 Human
LMP000695 7436 very low density lipoprotein receptor VLDLR Human
LMP006565 74754 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase Dhcr24 Mouse
LMP002684 30924 angiopoietin-like 3 Angptl3 Mouse
LMP000300 11806 apolipoprotein A-I Apoa1 Mouse
LMP000139 11807 apolipoprotein A-II Apoa2 Mouse
LMP001420 11808 apolipoprotein A-IV Apoa4 Mouse
LMP002188 238055 apolipoprotein B Apob Mouse
LMP000660 171504 apolipoprotein B receptor Apobr Mouse
LMP000144 11812 apolipoprotein C-I Apoc1 Mouse
LMP001444 11814 apolipoprotein C-III Apoc3 Mouse
LMP002036 11816 apolipoprotein E Apoe Mouse
LMP003821 103161 apolipoprotein F Apof Mouse
LMP001209 11303 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A (ABC1), member 1 Abca1 Mouse
LMP001812 11307 ATP-binding cassette, sub-family G (WHITE), member 1 Abcg1 Mouse
LMP006329 12642 cholesterol 25-hydroxylase Ch25h Mouse
LMP006483 65969 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) Cubn Mouse
LMP000101 13070 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 Cyp11a1 Mouse
LMP005529 104086 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 Cyp27a1 Mouse
LMP002710 16816 lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase Lcat Mouse
LMP000503 16846 leptin Lep Mouse
LMP000191 15450 lipase, hepatic Lipc Mouse
LMP004801 16890 lipase, hormone sensitive Lipe Mouse
LMP002476 16835 low density lipoprotein receptor Ldlr Mouse
LMP005609 100017 low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 1 Ldlrap1 Mouse
LMP001065 56453 membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 1 Mbtps1 Mouse
LMP000607 17777 microsomal triglyceride transfer protein Mttp Mouse
LMP001410 18145 Niemann-Pick type C1 Npc1 Mouse
LMP003908 18979 paraoxonase 1 Pon1 Mouse
LMP000160 18559 phosphatidylcholine transfer protein Pctp Mouse
LMP000513 20775 squalene epoxidase Sqle Mouse
LMP001623 235623 SREBF chaperone Scap Mouse
LMP002214 20845 steroidogenic acute regulatory protein Star Mouse
LMP000093 20652 sterol O-acyltransferase 1 Soat1 Mouse
LMP000752 223920 sterol O-acyltransferase 2 Soat2 Mouse
LMP006573 20788 sterol regulatory element binding factor 2 Srebf2 Mouse
LMP000786 20787 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 Srebf1 Mouse
LMP000696 22359 very low density lipoprotein receptor Vldlr Mouse
LMP012646 54226 amyloid beta (A4) precursor protein App Rat
LMP013610 502970 angiopoietin-like 3 Angptl3 Rat
LMP012539 25649 apolipoprotein A-II Apoa2 Rat
LMP012645 54225 apolipoprotein B Apob Rat
LMP012392 24207 apolipoprotein C-III Apoc3 Rat
LMP013597 500761 apolipoprotein F Apof Rat
LMP013316 309527 cholesterol 25-hydroxylase Ch25h Rat
LMP012754 80848 cubilin (intrinsic factor-cobalamin receptor) Cubn Rat
LMP012623 29680 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 Cyp11a1 Rat
LMP013208 301517 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 Cyp27a1 Rat
LMP012511 25429 cytochrome P450, family 7, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 Cyp7b1 Rat
LMP012740 79122 ferredoxin reductase Fdxr Rat
LMP012693 64194 insulin induced gene 1 Insig1 Rat
LMP012412 24530 lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase Lcat Rat
LMP012535 25608 leptin Lep Rat
LMP012413 24538 lipase, hepatic Lipc Rat
LMP012500 25330 lipase, hormone sensitive Lipe Rat
LMP013190 300438 low density lipoprotein receptor Ldlr Rat
LMP013182 299858 low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 Lrp1 Rat
LMP012836 89842 membrane-bound transcription factor peptidase, site 1 Mbtps1 Rat
LMP012600 29510 phosphatidylcholine transfer protein Pctp Rat
LMP012572 29230 squalene epoxidase Sqle Rat
LMP013198 301024 SREBF chaperone Scap Rat
LMP012526 25557 steroidogenic acute regulatory protein Star Rat
LMP012773 81782 sterol O-acyltransferase 1 Soat1 Rat
LMP012994 266770 sterol O-acyltransferase 2 Soat2 Rat
LMP012737 78968 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 1 Srebf1 Rat
LMP013185 300095 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 2 Srebf2 Rat
LMP013805 719946 apolipoprotein A-II APOA2 Rhesus monkey
LMP013808 702937 apolipoprotein B (including Ag(x) antigen) APOB Rhesus monkey
LMP013813 696726 apolipoprotein C-III APOC3 Rhesus monkey
LMP013815 712761 apolipoprotein F APOF Rhesus monkey
LMP013914 694532 cholesterol 25-hydroxylase CH25H Rhesus monkey
LMP014267 693654 insulin induced gene 2 INSIG2 Rhesus monkey
LMP014301 701116 lipase, hepatic LIPC Rhesus monkey
LMP014444 693333 NAD(P) dependent steroid dehydrogenase-like NSDHL Rhesus monkey
LMP014494 707128 phosphatidylcholine transfer protein PCTP Rhesus monkey
LMP014887 701171 sterol O-acyltransferase 2 SOAT2 Rhesus monkey
LMP011471 30355 apolipoprotein A-Ia apoa1a Zebrafish
LMP011583 334189 insulin induced gene 1 insig1 Zebrafish
LMP011526 282673 Niemann-Pick disease, type C2 npc2 Zebrafish
LMP011498 63999 steroidogenic acute regulatory protein star Zebrafish
LMP012312 100037309 sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 2 srebf2 Zebrafish