LIPID MAPSĀ® Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

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LMPD Record


Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID43656
Gene Nametailless
Gene Symboltll
SpeciesDrosophila melanogaster
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0005634 IEA:UniProtKB-KWCnucleus
GO:0003677 IDA:FlyBaseFDNA binding
GO:0003705 IDA:FlyBaseFRNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
GO:0004879 NAS:FlyBaseFligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
GO:0043565 IEA:InterProFsequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0003707 IEA:InterProFsteroid hormone receptor activity
GO:0008270 IEA:InterProFzinc ion binding
GO:0001746 TAS:FlyBasePBolwig's organ morphogenesis
GO:0009948 TAS:FlyBasePanterior/posterior axis specification
GO:0045165 IMP:FlyBasePcell fate commitment
GO:0001708 TAS:FlyBasePcell fate specification
GO:0007369 NAS:FlyBasePgastrulation
GO:0030522 NAS:GOCPintracellular receptor signaling pathway
GO:0016319 IMP:FlyBasePmushroom body development
GO:0055057 IMP:FlyBasePneuroblast division
GO:0001748 IMP:FlyBasePoptic lobe placode development
GO:0045944 IMP:FlyBasePpositive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0051726 IMP:FlyBasePregulation of cell cycle
GO:0035271 IMP:FlyBasePring gland development
GO:0007362 IGI:FlyBasePterminal region determination
GO:0008293 IGI:FlyBasePtorso signaling pathway
GO:0006366 IDA:GOCPtranscription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0006351 NAS:FlyBasePtranscription, DNA-templated
KEGG Pathway Links
KEGG Pathway IDDescription
dme04013MAPK signaling pathway - fly
REACTOME Pathway Links
REACTOME Pathway IDDescription
6225926Gene Expression
6226331Generic Transcription Pathway
6226616Nuclear Receptor transcription pathway