LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP001813 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
6677957 RefSeq NP_033203 337 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1
Identical Sequences to LMP001813 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:6677957 is identical to GenBank EDL29390.1 337 ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 [Mus musculus]
GI:6677957 is identical to GenBank AFG79796.1 337 Sequence 55 from patent US 8137928
GI:6677957 is identical to GenBank AFN90529.1 337 Sequence 52 from patent US 8198045
GI:6677957 is identical to RefSeq XP_006520726.1 337 PREDICTED: CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 isoform X1 [Mus musculus]
GI:6677957 is identical to RefSeq XP_006520727.1 337 PREDICTED: CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 isoform X2 [Mus musculus]
GI:6677957 is identical to RefSeq XP_006520728.1 337 PREDICTED: CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 isoform X3 [Mus musculus]
Related Sequences to LMP001813 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:6677957 is related to DBBJ BAE23767.1 337 unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
GI:6677957 is related to EMBL CAG44449.1 340 sialyltransferase ST3Gal-I [Rattus norvegicus]
GI:6677957 is related to GenBank AFG79797.1 340 Sequence 56 from patent US 8137928
GI:6677957 is related to GenBank AFN90530.1 340 Sequence 53 from patent US 8198045
GI:6677957 is related to RefSeq NP_001013237.1 340 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 [Rattus norvegicus]
GI:6677957 is related to RefSeq XP_006241771.1 340 PREDICTED: CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactosamide-alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 1 isoform X1 [Rattus norvegicus]