LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP007610 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
145698292 RefSeq NP_416846 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]
Identical Sequences to LMP007610 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:145698292 is identical to GenBank KHH89811.1 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is identical to GenBank KHI21513.1 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is identical to GenBank KHI44316.1 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is identical to GenBank KHI60666.1 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is identical to GenBank KHI96147.1 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is identical to gnl IGS 446 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli ER2796]
Related Sequences to LMP007610 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:145698292 is related to EMBL CBJ01983.1 448 long-chain fatty acid transport protein [Escherichia coli ETEC H10407]
GI:145698292 is related to EMBL CDY60047.1 448 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane porin; bacteriophage T2 binding [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is related to EMBL CDZ21166.1 448 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane porin; bacteriophage T2 binding [Escherichia coli]
GI:145698292 is related to GenBank EFP99225.1 448 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli 1827-70]
GI:145698292 is related to GenBank KGL70945.1 448 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli NCTC 50110]
GI:145698292 is related to RefSeq YP_007557528.1 448 long-chain fatty acid outer membrane transporter [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MDS42]