LMPD Database


Identical and related proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP008984 (as displayed in Record Overview)
Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein name
17137626 RefSeq NP_477405 565 inos
Identical Sequences to LMP008984 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:17137626 is identical to GenBank AAD13140.1 565 myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase [Drosophila melanogaster]
GI:17137626 is identical to GenBank AAN71527.1 565 RH12920p [Drosophila melanogaster]
GI:17137626 is identical to GenBank ACL87801.1 565 Inos-PA, partial [synthetic construct]
GI:17137626 is identical to GenBank ACL92257.1 565 Inos-PA [synthetic construct]
GI:17137626 is identical to gnl FlyBase 565 inos [Drosophila melanogaster]
GI:17137626 is identical to SwissProt O97477.1 565 RecName: Full=Inositol-3-phosphate synthase; Short=MIP synthase; AltName: Full=Myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase; Short=IPS; Short=MI-1-P synthase [Drosophila melanogaster]
Related Sequences to LMP008984 proteins
Reference Database Accession Length Protein name
GI:17137626 is related to GenBank EDV59687.1 565 GG10748 [Drosophila erecta]
GI:17137626 is related to GenBank EDW89182.1 565 GE24003 [Drosophila yakuba]
GI:17137626 is related to RefSeq XP_001360777.1 564 GA24769 [Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura]
GI:17137626 is related to RefSeq XP_001970628.1 565 GG10748 [Drosophila erecta]
GI:17137626 is related to RefSeq XP_002016409.1 564 GL11560 [Drosophila persimilis]
GI:17137626 is related to RefSeq XP_002089470.1 565 GE24003 [Drosophila yakuba]