Highlights from the Lipid Analysis Literature - 2005
The following references were collected as part of a weekly literature search that reflects my (former) personal research interests. However, most mainstream lipid analytical topics are covered. Among the exceptions are "steroidal hormones", "prostanoids", "fat-soluble vitamins" and "terpenoids", although some papers in these categories may be posted. My intention is to list only those papers that exhibit novel analytical methodology as opposed to tried and tested methods, although this may appear to introduce a bias towards modern mass spectrometry techniques. References are listed alphabetically by the first author.
- Adachi,J., Yoshioka,N., Sato,M., Nakagawa,K., Yamamoto,Y. and Ueno,Y. Detection of phosphatidylcholine oxidation products in rat heart using quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B, 823, 37-43 (2005).
- Afonso,C., Riu,A., Xu,Y., Fournier,F. and Tabet,J.C. Structural characterization of fatty acids cationized with copper by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry under low-energy collision-induced dissociation. J. Mass Spectrom., 40, 342-349 (2005).
- Akoto,L., Pel,R., Irth,H., Brinkman,U.A.T. and Vreuls,R.J.J. Automated GC-MS analysis of raw biological samples - Application to fatty acid profiling of aquatic micro-organisms. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 73, 69-75 (2005).
- Aldai,N., Murray,B.E., Najera,A.I., Troy,D.J. and Osoro,K. Derivatization of fatty acids and its application for conjugated linoleic acid studies in ruminant meat lipids. J. Sci. Food Agric., 85, 1073-1083 (2005).
- Alderson,N.L., Walla,M.D. and Hama,H. A novel method for the measurement of in vitro fatty acid 2-hydroxylase activity by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J. Lipid Res., 46, 1569-1575 (2005).
- Ando,T., Li,S.C., Ito,M. and Li,Y.T. Facile method for the preparation of lyso-GM1 and lyso-GM2. J. Chromatogr. A, 1078, 193-195 (2005).
- Androulakis,N., Durand,H., Ninio,E. and Tsoukatos,D.C. Molecular and mechanistic characterization of platelet-activating factor-like bioactivity produced upon LDL oxidation. J. Lipid Res., 46, 1923-1932 (2005).
- Antonopoulou,S., Nomikos,T., Oikonomou,A., Kyriacou,A., Andriotis,M., Fragopoulou,E. and Pantazidou,A. Characterization of bioactive glycolipids from Scytonema julianum (cyanobacteria). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 140, 219-231 (2005).
- Antonopoulou,S., Karantonis,H.C., Nomikos,T., Oikonomou,A., Fragopoulou,E. and Pantazidou,A. Bioactive polar lipids from Chroococcidiopsis sp (Cyanobacteria). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 142, 269-282 (2005).
- Araujo,P., Nguyen,T.T. and Froyland,L. Chemometric approaches in calibration experiments of trilinolenoylglycerol by liquid chromatography ion-trap mass spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 16, 388-396 (2005).
- Avalli,A. and Contarini,G. Determination of phospholipids in dairy products by SPE/HPLC/ELSD. J. Chromatogr. A, 1071, 185-190 (2005).
- Avato,P., Rosito,I., Papadia,P. and Fanizzi,F.P. Cyanolipid-rich seed oils from Allophylus natalensis and A. dregeanus. Lipids, 40, 1051-1056 (2005).
- Azizian,H. and Kramer,J.K.G. A rapid method for the quantification of fatty acids in fats and oils with emphasis on trans fatty acids using Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR). Lipids, 40, 855-867 (2005).
- Azzouz,N., Shams-Eldin,H. and Schwarz,R.T. Removal of phospholipid contaminants through precipitation of glycosylphosphatidylinositols. Anal. Biochem., 343, 152-158 (2005).
- Baker,P.R.S., Lin,Y., Schopfer,F.J., Woodcock,S.R., Groeger,A.L., Batthyany,C., Scott Sweeney, Long,M.H., Iles,K.E., Baker,L.M.S., Branchaud,B.P., Chen,Y.E. and Freeman,B.A. Fatty acid transduction of nitric oxide signaling. Multiple nitrated unsaturated fatty acid derivatives exist in human blood and urine and serve as endogenous peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ligands. J. Biol. Chem., 280, 42464-42475 (2005).
- Baldwin,M.A. Analysis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol protein anchors: The prion protein. Methods In Enzymology, 405, 172-187 (2005).
- Banoub,J., Boullanger,P., Lafont,D., Cohen,A., El Aneed,A. and Rowlands,E. In situ formation of c-glycosides during electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry of a series of synthetic amphiphilic cholesteryl polyethoxy neoglycolipids containing N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 16, 565-570 (2005).
- Barona,T., Byrne,R.D., Pettitt,T.R., Wakelam,M.J.O., Larijani,B. and Poccia,D.L. Diacylglycerol induces fusion of nuclear envelope membrane precursor vesicles. J. Biol. Chem., 280, 41171-41177 (2005).
- Barroso,B. and Bischoff,R. LC-MS analysis of phospholipids and lysophospholipids in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. J. Chromatogr. B, 814, 21-28 (2005).
- Bayer,M., Mosandl,A. and Thaci,D. Improved enantioselective analysis of polyunsaturated hydroxy fatty acids in psoriatic skin scales using high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. B, 819, 323-328 (2005).
- Bazinet,R.P., Lee,H.J., Felder,C.C., Porter,A.C., Rapoport,S.I. and Rosenberger,T.A. Rapid high-energy microwave fixation is required to determine the anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine) concentration of rat brain. Neurochem. Res., 30, 597-601 (2005).
- Beermann,C., Mobius,M., Winterling,N., Schmitt,J. and Boehm,G. sn-position determination of phospholipid-linked fatty acids derived from erythrocytes by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization ion-trap mass spectrometry. Lipids, 40, 211-218 (2005).
- Berdeaux,O., Scruel,O., Durand,T. and Cracowski,J.L. Isoprostanes, biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in humans. Part 2: Quantification methods. Pathologie Biologie, 53, 356-363 (2005).
- Berdyshev,E.V., Gorshkova,I.A., Garcia,J.G.N., Natarajan,V. and Hubbard,W.C. Quantitative analysis of sphingoid base-1-phosphates as bisacetylated derivatives by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Anal. Biochem., 339, 129-136 (2005).
- Berry,K.A.Z. and Murphy,R.C. Free radical oxidation of plasmalogen glycerophosphocholine containing esterified docosahexaenoic acid: Structure determination by mass spectrometry. Antiox. Redox Signaling, 7, 157-169 (2005).
- Berry,K.A.Z. and Murphy,R.C. Analysis of cell membrane aminophospholipids as isotope-tagged derivatives. J. Lipid Res., 46, 1038-1046 (2005).
- Boumann,H.A. and de Kroon,A.I.P.M. The contributions of biosynthesis and acyl chain remodelling to the molecular species profile of phosphatidylcholine in yeast. Biochem. Soc. Trans., 33, 1146-1149 (2005).
- Brenna,J.T. Double bond localization in fatty acid methyl esters by covalent adduct chemical ionization (CACI) tandem mass spectrometry. Lipid Technology, 17, 229-232 (2005).
- Bugla,J., Wandzik,I. and Szeja,W. High-performance liquid chromatography separation of glycerol derivatives on a chiral stationary phase. Acta Chromatographica, 15, 173-182 (2005).
- Byrdwell,W.C. Atmospheric pressure ionization techniques in modern lipid analysis. In 'Modern Methods for Lipid Analysis by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Related Techniques' (Ed. W.C. Byrdwell, AOCS Press, Champaign), pp. 1-18 (2005).
- Byrdwell,W.C. Dual parallel liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry for lipid analysis. In 'Modern Methods for Lipid Analysis by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Related Techniques' (Ed. W.C. Byrdwell, AOCS Press, Champaign), pp. 510-576 (2005).
- Byrdwell,W.C. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of triacylglycerols by atmospheric pressure ionization (APCI and ESI) mass spectrometry techniques. In 'Modern Methods for Lipid Analysis by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Related Techniques' (Ed. W.C. Byrdwell, AOCS Press, Champaign), pp. 298-412 (2005).
- Byrdwell,W.C. The bottom-up solution to the triacylglycerol lipidome using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Lipids, 40, 383-417 (2005).
- Caboni,M.F., Iafelice,G., Pelillo,M. and Marconi,E. Analysis of fatty acid steryl esters in tetraplold and hexaploid wheats: Identification and comparison between chromatographic methods. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 7465-7472 (2005).
- Calvano,C.D., Palmisano,F. and Zambonin,C.G. Laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of triacylglycerols in oils. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 1315-1320 (2005).
- Campanella,L., Bonanni,A., Dragone,R., Magri,A.L, Sorbo,A. and Tomassetti,A. Derivative enzymatic-spectrophotometric method for choline containing phospholipid determination in human serum, bile and amniotic fluid: recovery data by 'standard addition' method. Microchem. J., 79, 61-67 (2005).
- Carvalho,A.P. and Malcata,F.X. Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters for gas-chromatographic analysis of marine lipids: Insight studies. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 5049-5059 (2005).
- Catharino,R.R., Haddad,R., Cabrini,L.G., Cunha,I.B.S., Sawaya,A.C.H.F. and Eberlin,M.N. Characterization of vegetable oils by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry fingerprinting: Classification, quality, adulteration, and aging. Anal. Chem., 77, 7429-7433 (2005).
- Caudron,E., Zhou,J.Y., Chaminade,P., Baillet,A. and Prognon,P. Fluorescence probe assisted post-column detection for lipid analysis in microbore-LC. J. Chromatogr. A, 1072, 149-157 (2005).
- Cefarelli,G., D'Abrosca,B., Fiorentino,A., Izzo,A. and Monaco,P. Isolation, characterization, and antioxidant activity of E- and Z-p-coumaryl fatty acid esters from cv. Annurca apple fruits. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 3525-3529 (2005).
- Chace,D.H. and Kalas,T.A. A biochemical perspective on the use of tandem mass spectrometry for newborn screening and clinical testing. Clin. Biochem., 38, 296-309 (2005).
- Chotimarkorn,C., Ohshima,T. and Ushio,H. Fluorometric and fluorescent image analysis methods for determination of lipid hydroperoxides in oil models with 3-perylene diphenylphosphine (3-PeDPP). J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 7361-7366 (2005).
- Christie,W.W. High-temperature gas chromatography of triacylglycerols: a cautionary note. Lipid Technology, 17, 88-90 (2005).
- Coffa,G., Imber,A.N., Maguire,B.C., Laxmikanthan,G., Schneider,C., Gaffney,B.J. and Brash,A.R. On the relationships of substrate orientation, hydrogen abstraction, and product stereochemistry in single and double dioxygenations by soybean lipoxygenase-1 and its Ala542Gly mutant. J. Biol. Chem., 280, 38756-38766 (2005).
- Costantino,V., Fattorusso,E., Imperatore,C. and Mangoni,A. Vesparioside from the marine sponge Spheciospongia vesparia, the first diglycosylceramide with a pentose sugar residue. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 368-373 (2005).
- Cserhati,T., Forgacs,E., Deyl,Z. and Miksik,I. Chromatography in authenticity and traceability tests of vegetable oils and dairy products: a review. Biomed. Chromatogr., 19, 183-190 (2005).
- Damste,J.S.S., Rijpstra,W.I.C., Geenevasen,J.A.J., Strous,M. and Jetten,M.S.M. Structural identification of ladderane and other membrane lipids of planctomycetes capable of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox). FEBS J., 272, 4270-4283 (2005).
- Davoine,C., Douki,T., Iacazio,G., Montillet,J.L. and Triantaphylides,C. Conjugation of keto fatty acids to glutathione in plant tissues. Characterization and quantification by HPLC-tandem mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 77, 7366-7372 (2005).
- Dayhuff,L.E. and Wells,M.J.M. Identification of fatty acids in fishes collected from the Ohio River using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in chemical ionization and electron impact modes J. Chromatogr. A, 1098, 144-149 (2005).
- Delmonte,P., Kataoka,A., Corl,B.A., Bauman,D.E. and Yurawecz,M.P. Relative retention order of all isomers of cis/trans conjugated linoleic acid FAME from the 6,8- to 13,15-positions using silver ion HPLC with two elution systems. Lipids, 40, 509-514 (2005).
- Delobel,A., Touboul,D. and Laprevote,O. Structural characterization of phosphatidylcholines by atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry. Eur. J. Mass Spectrom., 11, 409-417 (2005).
- Destaillats,F., Trottier,J.P., Galvez,J.M.G. and Angers,P. Analysis of alpha-linolenic acid biohydrogenation intermediates in milk fat with emphasis on conjugated linolenic acids. J. Dairy Sci., 88, 3231-3239 (2005).
- Destaillats,F., Berdeaux,O., Sebedio,J.L., Juaneda,P., Gregoire,S., Chardigny,J.M., Bretillon,L. and Angers,P. Metabolites of conjugated isomers of alpha-linolenic acid (CLnA) in the rat. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 1422-1427 (2005).
- Destaillats,F., Sebedio,J.L., Berdeaux,O., Juaneda, P. and Angers,P. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry determination of metabolites of conjugated cis-9,trans-11, cis-15 18:3 fatty acid. J. Chromatogr. B, 820, 15-22 (2005).
- Dodds,E.D., McCoy,M.R., Rea,L.D. and Kennish,J.M. Proton transfer chemical ionization mass spectrometry of fatty acid methyl esters separated by gas chromatography: quantitative aspects. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 107, 560-564 (2005).
- Dodds,E.D., McCoy,M.R., Rea,L.D. and Kennish,J.M. Gas chromatographic quantification of fatty acid methyl esters: flame ionization detection vs. electron impact mass spectrometry. Lipids, 40, 419-428 (2005).
- Dreisewerd,K., Muthing,J., Rohlfing,A., Meisen,I., Vukelic,Z., Peter-Katalinic,J., Hillenkamp,F. and Berkenkamp,S. Analysis of gangliosides directly from thin-layer chromatography plates by infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry with a glycerol matrix. Anal. Chem., 77, 4098-4107 (2005).
- Dufour,C. and Loonis,M. Regio- and stereoselective oxidation of linoleic acid bound to serum albumin: identification by ESI-mass spectrometry and NMR of the oxidation products. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 138, 60-68 (2005).
- Dugo,P., Kumm,T., Lo Presti,M., Chiofalo,B., Salimei,E., Fazio,A., Cotroneo,A. and Mondello,L. Determination of triacylglycerols in donkey milk by using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. J. Sep. Sci., 28, 1023-1030 (2005).
- El Hamidi,A., Tirsoaga,A., Novikov,A., Hussein,A. and Caroff,M. Microextraction of bacterial lipid A: easy and rapid method for mass spectrometric characterization. J. Lipid Res., 46, 1773-1778 (2005).
- Estevez,S.L. and Helleur,R. Fatty acid profiling of lipid classes by silica rod TLC-thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation-GC/MS. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 74, 3-10 (2005).
- Fabbri,D., Baravelli,V., Chiavari,G. and Prati,S. Dimethyl carbonate as a novel methylating reagent for fatty acids in analytical pyrolysis. J. Chromatogr. A, 1065, 257-264 (2005).
- Fang,F., Ho,C.T., Sang,S.M. and Rosen,R.T. Determination of sphingolipids in nuts and seeds by a single quadrupole liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method. J. Food Lipids, 12, 327-343 (2005).
- Farwanah,H., Wohlrab,J., Neubert,R.H.H. and Raith,K. Profiling of human stratum corneum ceramides by means of normal phase LC/APCI-MS. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 383, 632-637 (2005).
- Fauler,G., Rechberger,G.N., Devrnja,D., Erwa,W., Plecko,B., Kotanko,P., Breunig,F. and Paschke,E. Rapid determination of urinary globotriaosylceramide isoform profiles by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using stearoyl-d(35)-globotriaosylceramide as internal standard. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 1499-1506 (2005).
- Ferrando,R., Szponar,B., Sanchez,A., Larsson,L. and Valero-Guillen,P.L. 3-Hydroxy fatty acids in saliva as diagnostic markers in chronic periodontitis. J. Microbiol. Methods, 62, 285-291 (2005).
- Flatten,A., Bryhni,E.A., Kohler,A., Egelandsdal,B. and Isaksson,T. Determination of C22:5 and C22:6 marine fatty acids in pork fat with Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy. Meat Sci., 69, 433-440 (2005).
- Franke,R., Briesen,I., Wojciechowski,T., Faust,A., Yephremov,A., Nawrath,C. and Schreiber,L. Apoplastic polyesters in Arabidopsis surface tissues – A typical suberin and a particular cutin. Phytochemistry, 66, 2643-2658 (2005).
- Fuchs,B., Schiller,E., Wagner,U., Hantzschel,H. and Arnold,K. The phosphatidylcholine/lysophosphatidylcholine ratio in human plasma is an indicator of the severity of rheumatoid arthritis: Investigations by P-31 NMR and MALDI-TOF MS. Clin. Biochem., 38, 925-933 (2005).
- Fujita,Y., Naka,T., McNeil,M.R. and Yano,I. Intact molecular characterization of cord factor (trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate) from nine species of mycobacteria by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Microbiology-SGM, 151, 3403-3416 (2005).
- Fujita,Y., Naka,T., Doi,T. and Yano,I. Direct molecular mass determination of trehalose monomycolate from 11 species of mycobacteria by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Microbiology-SGM, 151, 1443-1452 (2005).
- Fuller,M., Sharp,P.C., Rozaklis,T., Whitfield,P.D., Blacklock,D., Hopwood,J.J. and Meikle,P.J. Urinary lipid profiling for the identification of Fabry hemizygotes and heterozygotes. Clin. Chem., 51, 688-694 (2005).
- Fuller,M.D., Schwientek,T., Wandall,H.H., Pedersen,J.W., Clausen,H. and Levery,S.B. Structure elucidation of neutral, di-, tri-, and tetraglycosylceramides from High Five cells: identification of a novel (non-arthro-series) glycosphingolipid pathway. Glycobiology, 15, 1286-1301 (2005).
- Gibson,J.A.E., Miller,M.R., Davies,N.W., Neill,G.P., Nichols,D.S. and Volkman,J.K. Unsaturated diether lipids in the psychrotrophic archaeon Halorubrum lacusprofundi. Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 28, 19-26 (2005).
- Glass,M., Hong,J.W., Sato,T.A. and Mitchell,M.D. Misidentification of prostamides as prostaglandins. J. Lipid Res., 46, 1364-1368 (2005).
- Gopfert,M.S., Siedler,F., Siess,W. and Sellmayer,A. Structural identification of oxidized acyl-phosphatidylcholines that induce platelet activation. J. Vascular Res., 42, 120-132 (2005).
- Grossert,J.S., Fancy,P.D. and White,R.L. Fragmentation pathways of negative ions produced by electrospray ionization of acyclic dicarboxylic acids and derivatives. Can. J. Chem., 83, 1878-1890 (2005).
- Grynbaum,M.D., Hentschel,P., Putzbach,K., Rehbein,J., Krucker,M., Nicholson,G. and Albert,K. Unambiguous detection of astaxanthin and astaxanthin fatty acid esters in krill (Euphausia superba Dana). J. Sep. Sci., 28, 1685-1693 (2005).
- Guillen,M.D. and Ruiz,A. Oxidation process of oils with high content of linoleic acyl groups and formation of toxic hydroperoxy- and hydroxyalkenals. A study by H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance. J. Sci. Food Agric., 85, 2413-2420 (2005).
- Guo,B.Y., Wen,B., Shan, X.Q., Zhang,S.Z. and Lin,J.M. Separation and determination of phospholipids in plant seeds by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A, 1074, 205-213 (2005).
- Ham,B.M., Jacob,J.T. and Cole,R.B. MALDI-TOF MS of phosphorylated lipids in biological fluids using immobilized metal affinity chromatography and a solid ionic crystal matrix. Anal. Chem., 77, 4439-4447 (2005).
- Han,X. and Cheng,H. Characterization and direct quantitation of cerebroside molecular species from lipid extracts by shotgun lipidomics. J. Lipid Res., 46, 163-175 (2005).
- Han,X. and Gross,R.W. Toward total cellular lipidome analysis by ESI mass spectrometry from a crude lipid extract. In 'Modern Methods for Lipid Analysis by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Related Techniques' (Ed. W.C. Byrdwell, AOCS Press, Champaign), pp. 488-509 (2005).
- Han,X., Yang,J.Y., Cheng,H., Yang,K., Abendschein,D.R. and Gross,R.W. Shotgun lipidomics identifies cardiolipin depletion in diabetic myocardium linking altered substrate utilization with mitochondrial dysfunction. Biochemistry, 44, 16684-16694 (2005).
- Han,X. and Gross,R.W. Shotgun lipidomics: Electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analysis and quantitation of cellular lipidomes directly from crude extracts of biological samples. Mass Spectrom. Rev., 24, 367-412 (2005).
- Han,X., Yang,K., Cheng,H., Fikes,K.N. and Gross,R.W. Shotgun lipidomics of phosphoethanolamine-containing lipids in biological samples after one-step in situ derivatization. J. Lipid Res., 46, 1548-1560 (2005).
- Han,X. and Gross, R.W. Shotgun lipidomics: multidimensional MS analysis of cellular lipidomes. Expert Rev. Proteomics, 2, 253-264 (2005).
- Hashidate,T. and Itabashi,Y. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of regioisomeric 1,2-diacylglycerols. Bunseki Kagaku, 54, 807-816 (2005).
- Harvey,D.J. A new charge-associated mechanism to account for the production of fragment ions in the high-energy CID spectra of fatty acids. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 16, 280-290 (2005).
- Hayakawa,J. and Okabayashi,Y. Simultaneous analysis of eight phospholipid classes by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry: Application to human HDL. J. Liquid Chromatogr. Rel. Technol., 28, 1473-1485 (2005).
- Hayashi,Y., Horibata,Y., Sakaguchi,K., Okino,N. and Ito,M. A sensitive and reproducible assay to measure the activity of glucosylceramide synthase and lactosylceramide synthase using HPLC and fluorescent substrates. Anal. Biochem., 345, 181-186 (2005).
- He,X.X., Dagan,A., Gatt,S. and Schuchman,E.H. Simultaneous quantitative analysis of ceramide and sphingosine in mouse blood by naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxyaldehyde derivatization after hydrolysis with ceramidase. Anal. Biochem., 340, 113-122 (2005).
- Hermansson,M., Uphoff,A., Kakela,R. and Somerharju,P. Automated quantitative analysis of complex lipidomes by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 77, 2166-2175 (2005).
- Hermansson,M., Kakela,R., Berghall,M., Lehesjoki,A.E., Somerharju,P. and Lahtinen,U. Mass spectrometric analysis reveals changes in phospholipid, neutral sphingolipid and sulfatide molecular species in progressive epilepsy with mental retardation, EPMR, brain: a case study. J. Neurochem., 95, 609-617 (2005).
- Herrera-Salgado,Y., Garduno-Ramirez,M.L., Vazquez,L., Rios,M.Y. and Alvarez,L. Myo-inositol-derived glycolipids with anti-inflammatory activity from Solanum lanceolatum. J. Nat. Prod., 68, 1031-1036 (2005).
- Hikita,T., Tadano-Aritomi,K., Iida-Tanaka,N., Ishizuka,I. and Hakomori,S. De-N-acetyllactotriaosylceramide as a novel cationic glycosphingolipid of bovine brain white matter: Isolation and characterization. Biochemistry, 44, 9555-9562 (2005).
- Hisamatsu,Y., Goto,N., Sekiguchi,M., Hasegawa,K. and Shigemori,H. Oxylipins arabidopsides C and D from Arabidopsis thaliana. J. Nat. Prod., 68, 600-603 (2005).
- Holcapek,M., Lisa,M., Jandera,P. and Kabatova,N. Quantitation of triacylglycerols in plant oils using HPLC with APCI-MS, evaporative light-scattering, and UV detection. J. Sep. Sci., 28, 1315-1333 (2005).
- Honda,H., Shibusawa,Y., Taniguchi,J., Matsuda,H., Kondo,M., Kumasaka,K., Miwa,T., Notoya,Y. and Shindo,H. Rapid and simple determination of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids in rabbit renal artery by reversed-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection. Vascular Pharm., 42, 163-169 (2005).
- Hosamani,K.M. and Pattanashettar,R.S. Mappia foetida seed oil: A rich source of oil and moderate source of novel 3-keto-octadec-cis-15-enoic acid and its possible industrial utilization. Ind. Crops Products, 22, 135-139 (2005).
- Houjou,T., Yamatani,K., Imagawa,M., Shimizu,T. and Taguchi,R. A shotgun tandem mass spectrometric analysis of phospholipids with normal-phase and/or reverse-phase liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 19, 654-666 (2005).
- Hsu,F.F. and Turk,J. Studies on phosphatidylserine by tandem quadrupole and multiple stage quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization: Structural characterization and the fragmentation processes. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 16, 1510-1522 (2005).
- Hsu,F.-F. and Turk,J. Electrospray ionization with low-energy collisionally activated dissociation tandem mass spectrometry of complex lipids: structural characterization and mechanisms of fragmentation. In 'Modern Methods for Lipid Analysis by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and Related Techniques' (Ed. W.C. Byrdwell, AOCS Press, Champaign), pp. 61-178 (2005).
- Hsu,F.F., Turk,J., Rhoades,E.R, Russell,D.G., Shi,Y.X. and Groisman,E.A. Structural characterization of cardiolipin by tandem quadrupole and multiple-stage quadrupole ion-trap mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 16, 491-504 (2005).
- Huang,Y., Shen,J., Wang,T., Yu,Y.K., Chen,F.F. and Yang,J. A lipidomic study of the effects of N-methyl-N '-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine on sphingomyelin metabolism. Acta Bioch. Biophys. Sin., 37, 515-524 (2005).
- Hubke,H., Garbe,L.A. and Tressl,R. Characterization and quantification of free and esterified 9-and 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acids (HODE) in barley, germinating barley, and finished malt. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 1556-1562 (2005).
- Hui,S.P., Murai,T., Yoshimura,T., Chiba,H., Nagasaka,H. and Kurosawa,T. Improved HPLC assay for lipid peroxides in human plasma using the internal standard of hydroperoxide. Lipids, 40, 515-522 (2005).
- Hunt,A.N. and Postle,A.D. Dynamic lipidomic insights into phosphatidylcholine synthesis from organelle to organism. Spectroscopy, 19, 127-135 (2005).
- Igarashi,M. and Miyazawa,T. Preparation and fractionation of conjugated trienes from alpha-linolenic acid and their growth-inhibitory effects on human tumor cells and fibroblasts. Lipids, 40, 109-113 (2005).
- Imbs,A.B. and Rodkina,S.A. Trans and positional ethylenic bonds in two dominant isomers of eicosapentaenoic acid from the freshwater sponge Baicalospongia bacillifera. Lipids, 40, 963-968 (2005).
- Imbs,A.B. and Vereshchagin,A.L. Isolation and characteristic of overlong-chain unsaturated aldehydes from the freshwater sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis. Russ. J. Bioorg. Chem., 31, 588-592 (2005).
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