Highlights from the Lipid Analysis Literature - 2008
The following references were collected as part of a weekly literature search that reflects my (former) personal research interests. However, most mainstream lipid analytical topics are covered. Among the exceptions are "steroidal hormones", "prostanoids", "fat-soluble vitamins" and "terpenoids", although some papers in these categories may be posted. My intention is to list only those papers that exhibit novel analytical methodology as opposed to tried and tested methods, although this may appear to introduce a bias towards modern mass spectrometry techniques. References are listed alphabetically by the first author.
- Abeytunga,D.T.U., Oland,L., Somogyi,A. and Polt,R. Structural studies on the neutral glycosphingolipids of Manduca Sexta. Bioorg. Chem., 36, 70-76 (2008).
- Abdulkadir,S. and Tsuchiya,M. One-step method for quantitative and qualitative analysis of fatty acids in marine animal samples. J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecol., 354, 1-8 (2008).
- Ahn,E.J., Kim,H., Chung,B.C., Kong,G. and Moon,M.H. Quantitative profiling of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine in a steatosis/fibrosis model of rat liver by nanoflow liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 1194, 96-102 (2008).
- Akoto,L., Stellaard,F., Irth,H., Vreuls,R.J. and Pel,R. Improved fatty acid detection in micro-algae and aquatic meiofauna species using a direct thermal desorption interface combined with comprehensive gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatography A, 1186, 254-261 (2008).
- Akoto,L., Vreuls,RJJ., Irth,H., Pel,R. and Stellaard,F. Fatty acid profiling of raw human plasma and whole blood using direct thermal desorption combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J. Chromatography A, 1186, 365-371 (2008).
- Al-Dirbashi,O.Y., Santa,T., Rashed,M.S., Al-Hassnan,Z., Shimozawa,N., Chedrawi,A., Jacob,M. and Al-Mokhadab,M. Rapid UPLC-MS/MS method for routine analysis of plasma pristanic, phytanic, and very long chain fatty acid markers of peroxisomal disorders. J. Lipid Res., 49, 1855-1862 (2008).
- Allen,N.E., Grace,P.B., Ginn,A., Travis,R.C., Roddam,A.W., Appleby,P.N. and Key,T. Phytanic acid: measurement of plasma concentrations by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis and associations with diet and other plasma fatty acids. Brit. J. Nutr., 99, 653-659 (2008).
- Almeida,R., Mosoarca,C., Chirita,M., Udrescu,V., Dinca,N., Vukelic,Z., Allen,M. and Zamfir,A.D. Coupling of fully automated chip-based electrospray ionization to high-capacity ion trap mass spectrometer for ganglioside analysis. Anal. Biochem., 378, 43-52 (2008).
- Alves,S.P., Cabrita,A.R.J., Fonseca,A.J.M. and Bessa,R.J.B. Improved method for fatty acid analysis in herbage based on direct transesterification followed by solid-phase extraction. J. Chromatogr. A, 1209, 212-219 (2008).
- Ando,Y., Tomita,Y. and Haba,Y. Preparation of ethyl magnesium bromide for regiospecific analysis of triacylglycerols. J. Oleo Sci., 57, 459-462 (2008).
- Antolin,E.J.M., Canavaciolo,V.L.G. and Perez,R.S. Gas chromatographic determination of high molecular weight alcohols from policosanol in omega-3 fish oil by acylation with acetyl chloride. J. Ass. Off. Anal. Chem. Int., 91, 1013-1019 (2008).
- Antolin,E.M., Delange,D.M. and Canavaciolo,V.G. Evaluation of five methods for derivatization and GC determination of a mixture of very long chain fatty acids (C24:0-C36:0). J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 46, 194-199 (2008).
- Anupriwan,A., Schenk,M., Kongmanas,K., Vanichviriyakit,R., Santos,D.C., Yaghoubian,A., Liu,F., Wu,A., Berger,T., Faull,K.F., Saitongdee,P., Sretarugsa,P. and Tanphaichitr,N. Presence of arylsulfatase A and sulfogalactosylglycerolipid in mouse ovaries: Localization to the corpus luteum. Endocrinology, 149, 3942-3951 (2008).
- Armstrong,J.M., Metherel,A.H. and Stark,K.D. Direct microwave transesterification of fingertip prick blood samples for fatty acid determinations. Lipids, 43, 187-196 (2008).
- Astarita,G., Ahmed,F. and Piomelli,D. Identification of biosynthetic precursors for the endocannabinoid anandamide in the rat brain. J. Lipid Res., 49, 48-57 (2008).
- Astigarraga,E., Barreda-Gomez,G., Lombardero,L., Fresnedo,O., Castano,F., Giralt,M.T., Ochoa,B., Rodriguez-Puertas,R. and Fernandez,J.A. Profiling and imaging of lipids on brain and liver tissue by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry using 2-mercaptobenzothiazole as a matrix. Anal. Chem., 80, 9105-9114 (2008).
- Bailey-Hall,E., Nelson,E.B. and Ryan,A.S. Validation of a rapid measure of blood PUFA levels in humans. Lipids, 43, 181-186 (2008).
- Bamba,T., Shimonishi,N., Matsubara,A., Hirata,K., Nakazawa,Y., Kobayashi,A. and Fukusaki,E. High throughput and exhaustive analysis of diverse lipids by using supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry for metabolomics. J. Biosci. Bioengineer., 105, 460-469 (2008).
- Barceló-Coblijn,G. and Murphy,E.J. An improved method for separating cardiolipin by HPLC. Lipids, 43, 971-976 (2008).
- Basconcillo,L.S. and McCarry,B.E. Comparison of three GC/MS methodologies for the analysis of fatty acids in Sinorhizobium meliloti: Development of a micro-scale, one-vial method. J. Chromatogr. B, 871, 22-31 (2008).
- Bendroth,P., Kronstrand,R., Helander,A., Greby,J., Stephanson,N. and Krantz,P. Comparison of ethyl glucuronide in hair with phosphatidylethanol in whole blood as post-mortem markers of alcohol abuse. Forensic Sci. Int., 176, 76-81 (2008).
- Bensemhoun,J., Bombarda,I., Aknin,M., Faure,R., Vacelet,J. and Gaydou,E.M. Marine bifunctional sphingolipids from the sponge Oceanapia ramsayi. Molecules, 13, 772-778 (2008).
- Bicalho,B., David,F., Rumplel,K., Kindt,E. and Sandra,P. Creating a fatty acid methyl ester database for lipid profiling in a single drop of human blood using high resolution capillary gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 1211, 120-128 (2008).
- Biedermann,M., Haase-Aschoff,P. and Grob,K. Wax ester fraction of edible oils: Analysis by on-line LC-GC-MS and GC×GC-FID. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 110, 1084-1094 (2008).
- Blasi,F., Montesano,D., De Angelis,M., Maurizi,A., Ventura,F., Cossignani,L., Simonetti,M.S. and Damiani,P. Results of stereospecific analysis of triacylglycerol fraction from donkey, cow, ewe, goat and buffalo milk. J. Food Comp. Anal., 21, 1-7 (2008).
- Blasko,J., Kubinec,R., Pavikova,E., Krupcik,J. and Sojak,L. On the chemometric deconvolution of gas chromatographically unseparated trans-7,cis-9, cis-9,trans-11 and trans-8,cis-10 octadecadienoic acid isomers in ewe and cow milks. J. Food Nutr. Res., 47, 29-36 (2008).
- Blewett,A.J., Varma,D., Gilles,T., Libonati,J.R. and Jansen,S.A. Development and validation of a high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of 23 eicosanoids. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 46, 653-662 (2008).
- Bober,K. RM values application for calculation and prediction of selected physicochemical properties of homologous series of saturated fatty acids. J. Liqu. Chromatogr. Rel. Technol., 31, 567-577 (2008).
- Boath,A., Graf,C., Lidome,E., Ullrich,T., Nussbaumer,P. and Bornancin,F. Regulation and traffic of ceramide 1-phosphate produced by ceramide kinase. Comparative analysis to glucosylceramide and sphingomyelin. J. Biol. Chem., 283, 8517-8526 (2008).
- Bode,M.L., Buddoo,S.R., Minnaar,S.H. and du Plessis,C.A. Extraction, isolation and NMR data of the tetraether lipid calditoglycerocaldarchaeol (GDNT) from Sulfolobus metallicus harvested from a bioleaching reactor. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 154, 94-104 (2008).
- Boeglin,W.E., Itoh,A., Zheng,Y.X., Coffa,G., Howe,G.A. and Brash,A.R. Investigation of substrate binding and product stereochemistry issues in two linoleate 9-lipoxygenases. Lipids, 43, 979-987 (2008).
- Boselli,E., Pacetti,D., Curzi,F. and Frega,N.G. Determination of phospholipid molecular species in pork meat by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and evaporative light scattering detection. Meat Sci., 78, 305-313 (2008).
- Bou,R., Codony,R., Tres,A., Decker,E.A. and Guardicila,F. Determination of hydroperoxides in foods and biological samples by the ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange method: A review of the factors that influence the method's performance. Anal. Biochem., 377, 1-15 (2008).
- Brahmbhatt,V.V., Nold,C., Albert,C.J. and Ford,D.A. Quantification of pentafluorobenzyl oxime derivatives of long chain aldehydes by GC-MS analysis. Lipids, 43, 275-280 (2008).
- Buchgraber,M. and Androni,S. Determination of milk fat and cocoa butter equivalents in milk chocolate. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech, 19 (Suppl. S), 25-27 (2008).
- Butaud,J.F., Raharivelomanana,P., Bianchini,J.P. and Gaydou,E.M. Santalum insulare acetylenic fatty acid seed oils: Comparison within the Santalum genus. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 85, 353-356 (2008).
- Butovich,I.A. On the lipid composition of human meibum and tears: Comparative analysis of nonpolar lipids. Invest. Ophthalmol. Visual Sci., 49, 3779-3789 (2008).
- Butovich,I.A., Millar,T.J. and Ham,B.M. Understanding and analyzing meibomian lipids - A review. Current Eye Res., 33, 405-420 (2008).
- Byrdwell,W.C. Dual parallel liquid chromatography with dual mass spectrometry (LC2/MS2) for a total lipid analysis. Frontiers Biosci., 13, 100-120 (2008).
- Calvano,C.D., Zambonin,C.G., Foti,C., Cassano,N. and Vena,G.A. A matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry investigation to assess the composition of cod liver oil based products which displayed a different in vivo allergenic power. Food Chem. Toxicol., 46, 3580-3585 (2008).
- Carballeira,N.M., Oyola,D., Ivanova,A., Tsvetkova,I., Najdenski,H., Seizova,K. and Stefanov,K. The fatty acid composition of a Virgibacillus marismortui strain isolated from Lake Pomorie in Bulgaria. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 61, 49-54 (2008).
- Carretero,A.S., Carrasco-Pancorbo,A., Cortacero,S., Gori,A., Cerretani,L. and Fernández-Gutiérrez,A.A simplified method for HPLC-MS analysis of sterols in vegetable oil. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 110, 1142-1149 (2008).
- Cha,S., Zhang,H., Ilarslan,H.I., Wurtele,E.S., Brachova,L., Nikolau,B.J. and Yeung,E.S. Direct profiling and imaging of plant metabolites in intact tissues by using colloidal graphite-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry. Plant J., 55, 348-360 (2008).
- Chen,S. and Li,K.W. Comparison of molecular species of various transphosphatidylated phosphatidylserine (PS) with bovine cortex PS by mass spectrometry. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 152, 46-56 (2008).
- Chen,X., Zhang,W.J., Laird,J., Hazen,S.L. and Salomon,R.G. Polyunsaturated phospholipids promote the oxidation and fragmentation of gamma-hydroxyalkenals: formation and reactions of oxidatively truncated ether phospholipids. J. Lipid Res., 49, 832-846 (2008).
- Chen,Y.F., Allegood,J., Liu,Y., Wang,E., Cachon-Gonzalez,B., Cox,T.M., Merrill,A.H. and Sullards,M.C. Imaging MALDI mass spectrometry using an oscillating capillary nebulizer matrix coating system and its application to analysis of lipids in brain from a mouse model of Tay-Sachs/Sandhoff disease. Anal. Chem., 80, 2780-2788 (2008).
- Cheng,H., Mancuso,D.J., Jiang,X.T., Guan,S.P., Yang,J.Y., Yang,K., Sun,G., Gross,R.W. and Han,X. Shotgun lipidomics reveals the temporally dependent, highly diversified cardiolipin profile in the mammalian brain: Temporally coordinated postnatal diversification of cardiolipin molecular species with neuronal remodelling. Biochemistry, 47, 5869-5880 (2008).
- Choma,A. and Komaniecka,I. Characterization of a novel lipid A structure isolated from Azospirillum lipoferum lipopolysaccharide. Carbohydrate Res., 343, 799-804 (2008).
- Chua,S.C., Tan,C.P., Lai,O.M., Long,K., Mirhosseini,H. and Baharin,B.S. Effect of absorbent in solid-phase extraction on quantification of phospholipids in palm-pressed fiber. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 110, 334-340 (2008).
- Chung,T.C., Kou,H.S., Chao,M.C., Ou,Y.J. and Wu,H.L. A simple and sensitive liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of free docosanoic, tetracosanoic and hexacosanoic acids in human plasma as fluorescent derivatives. Anal. Chim. Acta, 611, 113-118 (2008).
- Cossignani,L., Damiani,E., Gabrielli,L., Montesano,D., Simonetti,M.S., Petrosino,T., Ventura,E., Marini,E. and Damiani,P. Structural characteristics of the triacylglycerol fraction from the seed fat of Mangifera indica L. Ital. J. Food Sci., 20, 263-271 (2008).
- Costantino,V., Fattorusso,E., Imperatore,C., Mangoni,A. and Teta,R. Terpioside from the marine sponge Terpios sp., the first glycosphingolipid having an L-fucofuranose unit. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2130-2134 (2008).
- Cui,L.J., Isbell,M.A., Chawengsub,Y., Falck,J.R., Campbell,W.B. and Nithipatikom,K. Structural characterization of monohydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids and dihydroxy- and trihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids by ESI-FTICR. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 19, 569-585 (2008).
- Cui,P.H., Duke,R.K. and Duke,C.C. Monoepoxy octadecadienoates and monoepoxy octadecatrienoates 1: NMR spectral characterization. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 152, 122-130 (2008).
- Cui,P.H., Duke,R.K., Tattam,B.N. and Duke,C.C. Monoepoxy octadecadienoates and monoepoxy octadecatrienoates 2: mass spectral characterization. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 152, 65-70 (2008).
- Cui,Y., Colsch,B., Alonso,C., Baumann,N., Tabet,J.C., Mallet,J.M. and Zhang,Y.M. Synthetic sulfogalactosylceramide (sulfatide) and its use for the mass spectrometric quantitative urinary determination in metachromatic leukodystrophies. Glycoconjugate J., 25, 147-155 (2008).
- Cvacka,J., Kofronova,E., Vasickova,S., Stransky,K., Jiros,P., Hovorka,O., Kindl,J. and Valterova,I. Unusual fatty acids in the fat body of the early nesting bumblebee, Bombus pratorum. Lipids, 43, 441-450 (2008).
- D'Arrigo,P., Mele,A., Rossi,C., Tessaro,D. and Servi,S. Discrimination of chain positions in mixed short/long-chain glycerophosphocholines by NMR chemical shift variations. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 85, 1005-1011 (2008).
- David,F., Tienpont,B. and Sandra,P. Chemotaxonomy of bacteria by comprehensive GC and GC-MS in electron impact and chemical ionisation mode. J. Sep. Sci., 31, 3395-3403 (2008).
- Dayrit,F.M., Buenafe,O.E.M., Chainani,E.T. and De Vera,I.M.S. Analysis of monoglycerides, diglycerides, sterols, and free fatty acids in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) oil by P-31 NMR spectroscopy. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 5765-5769 (2008).
- Deeley,J.M., Mitchell,T.W., Wei,X.J., Korth,J., Nealon,J.R., Blanksby,S.J. and Truscott,R.J.W. Human lens lipids differ markedly from those of commonly used experimental animals. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1781, 288-298 (2008).
- Delmonte,P., Hu,Q., Kia,A.R.F. and Rader,J.I. Preparation, chromatographic separation and relative retention times of cis/trans heptadecaenoic (17:1) fatty acids. J. Chromatogr. A, 1214, 30-36 (2008).
- Deng,L., Nakano,H. and Iwasaki,Y Direct separation of monoacylglycerol isomers by enantioselective high-performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 1198, 67-72 (2008).
- Dhar,M., Sepkovic,D.W., Hirani,V., Magnusson,R.P. and Lasker,J.M. Omega oxidation of 3-hydroxy fatty acids by the human CYP4F gene subfamily enzyme CYP4F11. J. Lipid Res., 49, 612-624 (2008).
- Dillon,R., Greig,M.J. and Bhat,B.G. Development of a novel LC/MS method to quantitate cellular stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity. Anal. Chim. Acta, 627, 99-104 (2008).
- Ding,J., Sorensen,C.M., Jaitly,N., Jiang,H.L., Orton,D.J., Monroe,M.E., Moore,R.J., Smith,R.D. and Metz,T.O. Application of the accurate mass and time tag approach in studies of the human blood lipidome. J. Chromatogr. B, 871, 243-252 (2008).
- Dinh,T.T.N., Blanton,J.R., Brooks,J.C., Miller,M.F. and Thompson,L.D. A simplified method for cholesterol determination in meat and meat products. J. Food Comp. Anal., 21, 306-314 (2008).
- Dippe,M., Mrestani-Klaus,C., Schierhorn,A. and Ulbrich-Hofmann,R. Phospholipase D-catalyzed synthesis of new phospholipids with polar head groups. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 152, 71-77 (2008).
- Distler,U., Hulsewig,M., Souady,J., Dreisewerd,K., Haier,J., Senninger,N., Friedrich,A.W., Karch,H., Hillenkamp,F., Berkenkamp,S., Peter-Katalinic,J. and Muthing,J Matching IR-MALDI-o-TOF mass spectrometry with the TLC overlay binding assay and its clinical application for tracing tumor-associated glycosphingolipids in hepatocellular and pancreatic cancer. Anal. Chem., 80, 1835-1846 (2008).
- Domingues,M.R.M., Reis,A. and Pedro Domingues,P. Mass spectrometry analysis of oxidized phospholipids. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 156, 1-12 (2008).
- Draisma,H.H.M., Reijmers,T.H., Bobeldijk-Pastorova,I., Meulman,J.J., Burk,G.F.E.V., Bartels,M., Ramaker,R., Van der Greef,J., Boomsma,D.I. and Hankemeier,T. Similarities and differences in lipidomics profiles among healthy monozygotic twin pairs. Omics- J. Integrative Biol., 12, 17-31 (2008).
- Du,L.H. and White,R.L. Reducing glycerophosphocholine lipid matrix interference effects in biological fluid assays by using high-turbulence liquid chromatography. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22, 3362-3370 (2008).
- Duranti,G., Boenzi,S., Rizzo,C., Rava,L., Di Ciommo,V., Carrozzo,R., Meschini,M.C., Johnson,D.W. and Dionisi-Vici,C. Urine acylcarnitine analysis by ESI-MS/MS: A new tool for the diagnosis of peroxisomal biogenesis disorders. Clin. Chim. Acta, 398, 86-89 (2008).
- Dybvik,A.I., Falch,E. and Rustad,T. Solid phase extraction as a tool to separate lipid classes and study deterioration of marine lipids. J. Aquatic Food Prod. Technol., 17, 39-59 (2008).
- Dzieciatkowska,M., Schweda,E.K.H., Moxon,E.R., Richards,J.C. and Li,J.J. Characterization of intact lipopolysaccharides from the Haemophilus influenzae strain RM 118 using electrophoresis-assisted open-tubular liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Electrophoresis, 29, 2171-2181 (2008).
- Eggink,M., Wijtmans,M., Ekkebus,R., Lingeman,H., de Esch,I.J.P., Kool,J., Niessen,W.M.A.. and Irth,H. Development of a selective ESI-MS derivatization reagent: synthesis and optimization for the analysis of aldehydes in biological mixtures. Anal. Chem., 80, 9042-9051 (2008).
- Eras,J., Oro,R., Torres,M. and Canela,R. Direct quantitation of fatty acids present in bacteria and fungi: Stability of the cyclopropane ring to chlorotrimethylsilane. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 4923-4927 (2008).
- Estrada,R., Stolowich,N. and Yappert,M.C. Influence of temperature on P-31 NMR chemical shifts of phospholipids and their metabolites I. In chloroform-methanol-water. Anal. Biochem., 380, 41-50 (2008).
- Fan,Y.Y., Yu,S.Y., Ito,H., Kameyama,A., Sato,T., Lin,C.H., Yu,L.C., Narimatsu,H. and Khoo,K.H. Identification of further elongation and branching of dimeric type 1 chain on lactosylceramides from colonic adenocarcinoma by tandem mass spectrometry sequencing analyses. J. Biol. Chem., 283, 16455-16468 (2008).
- Farias,S.E., Basselin,M., Chang,L., Heidenreich,K.A., Rapoport,S.I. and Murphy,R.C. Formation of eicosanoids, E-2/D-2 isoprostanes, and docosanoids following decapitation-induced ischemia, measured in high-energy-microwaved rat brain. J. Lipid Res., 49, 1990-2000 (2008).
- Farkas,O., Zenkevich,I.G., Stout,F., Kalivas,J.H. and Heberger,K. Prediction of retention indices for identification of fatty acid methyl esters. J. Chromatogr. A, 1198, 188-195 (2008).
- Fuchs,B., Nimptsch,A., Suss,R. and Schiller,J. Analysis of brain lipids by directly coupled matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and high-performance thin-layer chromatography. J. Ass. Off. Anal. Chem. Int., 91, 1227-1236 (2008).
- Fuchs,B., Schiller,J., Suess,R., Zscharnack,M., Bader,A., Mueller,P., Schuerenberg,M., Becker,M. and Suckau,D. Analysis of stem cell lipids by offline HPTLC-MALDI-TOF MS. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 392, 849-860 (2008).
- Fuchs,B., Schober,C., Richter,G., Nimptsch,A., Suss,R. and Schiller,J. The reactions between HOCl and differently saturated phospholipids: Physiological relevance, products and methods of evaluation. Mini-Reviews Org. Chem., 5, 254-261 (2008).
- Fujiwaki,T., Tasaka,M. and Yamaguchi,S. Quantitative evaluation of sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with sphingosylphosphorylcholine as an internal standard Practical application to tissues from patients with Niemann-Pick disease types A and C, and Gaucher disease. J. Chromatogr. B, 870, 170-176 (2008).
- Fuller,M., Rozaklis,T., Lovejoy,M., Zarrinkalam,K., Hopwood,J.J. and Melkle,P.J. Glucosylceramide accumulation is not confined to the lysosome in fibroblasts from patients with Gaucher disease. Mol. Genet. Metab., 93, 437-443 (2008).
- Fyrst,H., Zhang,X.Y., Herr,D.R., Byun,H.S., Bitttnan,R., Phan,V.H., Harris,G.L. and Saba,J.D. Identification and characterization by electrospray mass spectrometry of endogenous Drosophila sphingadienes. J. Lipid Res., 49, 597-606 (2008).
- Gareri,J., Lynn,H., Handley,M., Rao,C. and Koren,G. Prevalence of fetal ethanol exposure in a regional population-based sample by meconium analysis of fatty acid, ethyl esters. Ther. Drug Monitoring, 30, 239-245 (2008).
- Garscha,U., Nilsson,T. and Oliw,E.H. Enantiomeric separation and analysis of unsaturated hydroperoxy fatty acids by chiral column chromatography-mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B, 872, 90-98 (2008).
- Genin,E., Wielgosz-Collin,G., Njinkoue,J.M., Velosaotsy,N.E., Kornprobst,J.M., Gouygou,J.P., Vacelet,J. and Barnathan,G. New trends in phospholipid class composition of marine sponges. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 150, 427-431 (2008).
- Gijon,M.A., Riekhof,W.R., Zarini,S., Murphy,R.C. and Voelker,D.R. Lysophospholipid acyltransferases and arachidonate recycling in human neutrophils. J. Biol. Chem., 283, 30235-30245 (2008).
- Giovane,A., Balestrieri,A. and Napoli,C. New insights into cardiovascular and lipid metabolomics. J. Cell. Biochem., 105, 648-654 (2008).
- Glauser,G., Grata,E., Rudaz,S. and Wolfender,J.L. High-resolution profiling of oxylipin-containing galactolipids in Arabidopsis extracts by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 22, 3154-3160 (2008).
- Glauser,G., Grata,E., Dubugnon,L., Rudaz, Farmer,E.A. and Wolfender,J.L. Spatial and temporal dynamics of jasmonate synthesis and accumulation in Arabidopsis in response to wounding. J. Biol. Chem., 283, 16400-16407 (2008).
- Golovko,M.Y. and Murphy,E.J. An improved LC-MS/MS procedure for brain prostanoid analysis using brain fixation with head-focused microwave irradiation and liquid-liquid extraction. J. Lipid Res., 49, 893-902 (2008).
- Gomez-Brandon,M., Lores,M. and Dominguez,J. Comparison of extraction and derivatization methods for fatty acid analysis in solid environmental matrixes. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 392, 505-514 (2008).
- Goto-Inoue,N., Hayasaka,T., Sugiura,Y., Taki,T., Li,Y.T., Matsumoto,M. and Setou,M. High-sensitivity analysis of glycosphingolipids by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight imaging mass spectrometry on transfer membranes. J. Chromatogr. B, 870, 74-83 (2008).
- Goulitquer,S., Dreano,Y., Berthou,F., Corcos,L. and Lucas,D. Determination of epoxyeicosatrienoic acids in human red blood cells and plasma by GC/MS in the NICI mode. J. Chromatogr. B, 876, 83-88 (2008).
- Griffiths,W.J., Hornshaw,M., Woffendin,G., Baker,S.F., Lockhart,A., Heidelberger,S., Gustafsson,M., Sjoall,J. and Wang,Y.Q. Discovering oxysterols in plasma: A window on the metabolome. J. Proteome Res., 7, 3602-3612 (2008).
- Gu,J.H. Tifft,C.J. and Soldin,S.J. Simultaneous quantification of G(M1) and G(M2) gangliosides by isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry. Clin. Biochem., 41, 413-417 (2008).
- Gu,Y., Munoz-Garcia,A., Brown,J.C., Ro,J. and Williams,J.B. Cutaneous water loss and sphingolipids covalently bound to corneocytes in the stratum corneum of house sparrows Passer domesticus. J. Exp. Biol., 211, 1690-1695 (2008).
- Guillen,M.D., Carton,I., Goicoechea,E. and Uriarte,P.S. Characterization of cod liver oil by spectroscopic techniques. New approaches for the determination of compositional parameters, acyl groups, and cholesterol from H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared spectral data. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 9072-9079 (2008).
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