Bibliography of Mass Spectrometry of Fatty Acids
Dimethyl Disulfide Derivatives
The following references dealing with mass spectrometry of dimethyl disulfide derivatives for the location of double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids have been collected as part of our regular literature searches for research purposes. The list is as comprehensive as we can manage but is not exhaustive. References are listed alphabetically according to the surname of the first author, but not necessarily chronologically for a given author (up 2022).
Albuquerque, L., Santos,J., Travassos,P., Nobre,M.F., Rainey,F.A., Wait,R., Empadinhas,N., Silva,M.T. and da Costa,M.S. Albidovulum inexpectatum gen. nov., sp. nov., a nonphotosynthetic and slightly thermophilic bacterium from a marine hot spring that is very closely related to members of the photosynthetic genus Rhodovulum. Appl. Environm. Microbiol., 68, 4266-4273 (2002).
- Altabe, S.G., Aguilar,P., Caballero,G.M. and de Mendoza,D. The Bacillus subtilis acyl lipid desaturase is a 5 desaturase. J. Bact., 185, 3228-3231 (2003).
- Astudillo, A.M., Meana, C., Guijas, C., Pereira, L., Lebrero, P., Balboa, M.A. and Balsinde, J. Occurrence and biological activity of palmitoleic acid isomers in phagocytic cells. J. Lipid Res., 59, 237-249 (2018); DOI.
- Attygalle, A.B., Jham,G.N., Svatos,A., Frighetto,R.T.S., Meinwald,J., Vilela,E.F., Ferrara,F.A. and Uchoa-Fernandes,M.A. Microscale, random reduction: application to the characterization of (3E,8Z,11Z)-3,8,11-tetradecatrienyl acetate, a new lepidopteran sex pheromone. Tetrahedron Letts., 36, 5471-5474 (1995).
- Bell, M.V. Dick,J.R. and Pond,D.W. Octadecapentaenoic acid in a raphidophyte alga, Heterosigma akashiwo. Phytochemistry, 45, 303-306 (1997).
- Biedermann, W., Lucker,E., Porschmann,J., Lachhab,S., Truyen,U. and Hensel,A. Structural characterisation of some fatty acids from the brain as biomarkers of BSE risk material. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 379, 1031-1038 (2004).
- Blokker, P., Schouten,S., Van den Ende,H., De Leeuw,J.W. and Damste,J.S.S. Cell wall-specific omega-hydroxy fatty acids in some freshwater green microalgae. Phytochemistry, 49, 691-695 (1998).
- Bombarda, I., Zongo, C., McGill, C.R., Doumenq, P. and Fogliani, B. Fatty acids profile of Alphitonia neocaledonica and Grevillea exul var. rubiginosa seed oils, occurrence of an omega5 series J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 87, 981-986 (2010); DOI.
- Buser, H-R., Arn,H., Geurin,P. and Rauscher,S. Determination of double bond position in monounsaturated acetates by mass spectrometry of dimethyldisulfide adducts. Anal. Chem., 55, 818-822 (1983).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Alicea,J. The first naturally occurring alpha-methoxylated branched-chain fatty acids from the phospholipids of Amphimedon complanata. Lipids, 36, 83-87 (2001).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Alicea,J. Novel methoxylated FA from the Caribbean sponge Spheciospongia cuspidifera. Lipids, 37, 305-308 (2002).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Cruz,C. Dimethyldisulfide derivatization of ethyl (9Z,12Z)-9,12-octadecadienoate and ethyl (9E,12E)-9,12-octadecadienoate. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 84, 81-85 (1996).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Emiliano,A. Novel brominated phospholipid fatty acids from the Caribbean sponge Agelas sp. Lipids, 28, 763-766 (1993).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Medina,J.R. New delta(5,9)-fatty acids in the phospholipids of the sea anemone Stoichactis helianthus. J. Nat. Prod., 57, 1688-1695 (1994).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Rodriguez,J. Two novel phospholipid fatty acids from the Caribbean sponge Geodia gibberosa. Lipids, 26, 324-326 (1991).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Sepulveda,J.A. Two novel naturally occurring α-methoxy acids from the phospholipids of two Caribbean sponges. Lipids, 27, 72-74 (1992).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Shalabi,F. Novel brominated phospholipid fatty acids from the Caribbean sponge Petrosia sp. J. Nat. Prod., 56, 739-746 (1993).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Shalabi,F. The rare Caribbean sponge Leucosolenia canariensis: phospholipid fatty acids and sterols. Lipids, 30, 467-470 (1995).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Shalabi,F. Unusual lipids in the Caribbean sponges Amphimedon viridis and Desmapsamma anchorata. J. Nat. Prod., 57, 1152-1159 (1994).
- Carballeira, N.M., Cruz,H. and Ayala,N.L. Total synthesis of 2-methoxy-14-methylpentadecanoic acid and the novel 2-methoxy-1 4-methylhexadecanoic acid identified in the sponge Agelas dispar. Lipids, 37, 1033-1037 (2002).
- Carballeira, N.M., Cruz,H., Hill,C.A., De Voss,J.J. and Garson,M. Identification and total synthesis of novel fatty acids from the siphonarid limpet Siphonaria denticulate. J. Nat. Prod., 64, 1426-1429 (2001).
- Carballeira, N.M., Guzman,A., Nechev,J.T., Lahtchev,K., Ivanova,A. and Stefanov,K. Unusual lipid composition of a Bacillus sp isolated from Lake Pomorie in Bulgaria. Lipids, 35, 1371-1375 (2000).
- Carballeira, N.M., Negron,V. and Reyes,E.D. Novel naturally occurring alpha-methoxy acids from the phospholipids of Caribbean sponges. Tetrahedron, 48, 1053-1058 (1992).
- Carballeira, N.M., Oyola,D., Vicente,J. and Rodriguez,A.D. Identification of novel alpha-methoxylated phospholipid fatty acids in the caribbean sponge Erylus goffrilleri. Lipids, 42, 1047-1053 (2007).
- Carballeira, N.M., Pagan,M., Shalabi,F., Nechev,J.T., Lahtchev,K., Ivanova,A. and Stefanov K. Two novel iso-branched octadecenoic acids from a Micrococcus species. J. Nat. Prod., 63, 1573-1575 (2000).
- Carballeira, N.M., Reyes,M., Sostre,A., Huang,H.S., Verhagen,M.F.J.M. and Adams,M.W.W. Unusual fatty acid compositions of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus and the bacterium Thermotoga maritima. J. Bact., 179, 2766-2768 (1997).
- Carballeira, N.M., Shalabi,F. and Cruz,C. Thietane, tetrahydrothiophene and tetrahydrothiopyran formation in reaction of methylene-interrupted dienoates with dimethyl disulfide. Tetrahedron Letts., 35, 5575-5578 (1994).
- Carballeira, N.M., Shalabi,F. and Reyes,M. New 2-hydroxy fatty acids in the Caribbean urchin Tripneustes esculentus. J. Nat. Prod., 57, 614-619 (1994).
- Carballeira, N.M., Shalabi,F., Stefanov,K., Dimitrov,K., Popov,S., Kujumgiev,A. and Andreev,S. Comparison of the fatty acids of the tunicate Botryllus schlosseri from the Black Sea with two associated bacterial strains. Lipids, 30, 677-679 (1995).
- Carballeira, N.M., Sostre,A., Stefanov,K., Popov,S., Kujumgiev,A., Dimitrova-Konaklieva,S., Tosteson,C.G. and Tosteson,T.R. The fatty acid composition of a Vibrio alginolyticus associated with the alga Cladophora coelothrix, identification of the novel 9-methyl-10-hexadecenoic acid. Lipids, 32, 1271-1275 (1997).
- Chen, J.P., Li, Y.C., Cao, J.G., Huang, J.W., Jiang, C., Dai, X.L. and Huang, G.Z. Adiantic acid, a new unsaturated fatty acid with a cyclopropane moiety from Adiantum flabellulatum L. Nat. Prod. Res., 36, 2386-2392 (2020); DOI.
- Christie, W.W. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry methods for structural analysis of fatty acids. Lipids, 33, 343-353 (1998).
- Christie, W.W. Structural analysis of fatty acids. In: Advances in Lipid Methodology - Four, pp. 119-169 (edited by W.W. Christie, Oily Press, Dundee) (1997).
- Christie, W.W. and Han, X. Lipid Analysis - Isolation, Separation, Identification and Lipidomic Analysis (4th edition), 446 pages (Oily Press, Woodhead Publishing and now Elsevier) (2010) - see Science Direct.
- Christie, W.W., Brechany,E.Y. and Shukla,V.K.S. Analysis of seed oils containing cyclopentenyl fatty acids by combined chromatographic procedures. Lipids, 24, 116-120 (1989).
- Cvacka, J., Kofronova,E., Vasickova,S., Stransky,K., Jiros,P., Hovorka,O., Kindl,J. and Valterova,I. Unusual fatty acids in the fat body of the early nesting bumblebee, Bombus pratorum. Lipids, 43, 441-450 (2008).
- de Kluijver, A., Nierop, K.G.J., Morganti, T.M., Bart, M.C., Slaby, B.M., Hanz, U., de Goeij, J.M., Mienis, F. and Middelburg, J.J. Bacterial precursors and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are biomarkers of North-Atlantic deep-sea demosponges. PLOS One, 16, e0241095 (2021); DOI.
- Dowd, M.K. Identification of the unsaturated heptadecyl fatty acids in the seed oils of Thespesia populnea and Gossypium hirsutum. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 89, 1599-1609 (2012).
- Dunkelblum, E., Tan,S.H. and Silk,P.J. Double bond location in monounsaturated fatty acids by dimethyl disulfide derivatisation and mass spectrometry. J. Chem. Ecol., 11, 265-277 (1985).
- Elvert, M., Boetius,A., Knittel,K. and Jorgensen,B.B. Characterization of specific membrane fatty acids as chemotaxonomic markers for sulfate-reducing bacteria involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane. Geomicrobiol. J., 20, 403-419 (2003).
- Evershed, R.P., Dudd,S.N., Copley,M.S., Berstan,R., Stott,A.W., Mottram,H., Buckley,S.A. and Crossman,Z. Chemistry of archaeological animal fats. Acc. Chem. Res., 35, 660-668 (2002).
Francis, G.W. and Veland,K. Alkylthiolation for the determination of double-bond positions in linear alkenes. J. Chromatogr., 219, 379-384 (1981).
- Fukuda, Y. and Ando,Y. Occurrence of all-cis-5,8,11,14,17,20,23-hexacosaheptaenoic acid (26:7n-3) in roughscale sole Clidoderma asperrimum flesh lipids. Fisheries Sci., 77, 875-882 (2011).
- Gao, J.M., Wang,C.Y., Zhang,A.L. and Liu,J.K. A new trihydroxy fatty acid from the ascomycete, Chinese truffle Tuber indicum. Lipids, 36, 1365-1370 (2001).
- Golebiowski, M., Bogus,M.I., Paszkiewicz,M. and Stepnowski,P. Cuticular lipids of insects as potential biofungicides: methods of lipid composition analysis. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 399, 3177-3191 (2011).
- Hammerschick, T., Wagner, T. and Vetter, W. Countercurrent chromatographic fractionation followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry identification of alkylresorcinols in rye. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 412, 8417-8430 (2020); DOI.
- Imai, H., Yamamoto,K., Shibahara,A., Miyatani,S. and Nakayama,T. Determining double-bond positions in monoenoic 2-hydroxy fatty acids of glucosylceramides by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Lipids, 35, 233-236 (2000).
- Imbs, A.B. and Rodkina,S.A. Isolation of 2-methyl branched unsaturated very long fatty acids from marine sponge Halichondria panicea and identification of them by GC-MS and NMR. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 129, 173-181 (2004).
- Imbs, A.B. and Rodkina,S.A. Trans and positional ethylenic bonds in two dominant isomers of eicosapentaenoic acid from the freshwater sponge Baicalospongia bacillifera. Lipids, 40, 963-968 (2005).
- Kakela, R., Hyvarinen,H. and Vainiotalo,P. Unusual fatty acids in the depot fat of the Canadian beaver (Castor canadensis). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 113, 625-629 (1996).
- Kalacheva, G.S. and Volova,T.G. Fatty acid composition of Wautersia eutropha lipids under conditions of active polyhydroxyalkanoates synthesis. Microbiology, 76, 535-540 (2007).
- Kool, D.M., Zhu, B.L., Rijpstra, W.I.C., Jetten, M.S.M., Ettwig, K.F. and Damste, J.S.S. Rare branched fatty acids characterize the lipid composition of the intra-aerobic methane oxidizer "Candidatus methylomirabilis oxyfera". Appl. Environm. Microbiol., 78, 8650-8656 (2012).
- Laverroux, S., Glasser,F., Gillet,M., Joly,C. and Doreau,M. Isomerization of vaccenic acid to cis and trans C18:1 isomers during biohydrogenation by rumen microbes. Lipids, 46, 843-850 (2011).
- Kuwahara, Y., Samejima,M., Sakata,T., Kurosa,K., Sato,M., Matsuyama,S. and Suzuki,T. Chemical ecology of astigmatid mites. 44. identification of (Z,Z,Z)-5,9,12-octadecatrienoic acid and (Z,Z)-5,9-octadecadienoic acid as possible biosynthetic precursors of new hydrocarbons (Z,Z,Z)-4,8,11-heptadecatriene and (Z,Z)-4,8-heptadecadiene found in the astigmatid mite, Tortonia sp. Appl. Entomol. Zool., 30, 433-441 (1995).
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- Matsuoka, K., Yamamoto,M., Yamakawa,R., Muramatsu,M., Naka,H., Kondo,Y. and Ando,T. Identification of novel C-20 and C-22 trienoic acids from arctiid and geometrid female moths that produce polyenyl type II sex pheromone components. J. Chem. Ecol., 34, 1437-1445 (2008).
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