Bibliography of Mass Spectrometry of Fatty Acids
Pyrrolidine Derivatives
The following references dealing with mass spectrometry of pyrrolidine derivatives of fatty acids were collected as part of our regular literature searches for research purposes. The list is as comprehensive as I could manage but is not exhaustive; I am no longer able to update it. References are listed alphabetically according to the surname of the first author, but not necessarily chronologically for a given author.
Akesson-Nilsson, G. and Wesen,C. Structural characterization of 5,6-dichlorotetradecanoic acid, an isolated metabolite of 9,10-dichlorooctadecanoic acid, by studying picolinyl esters, pyrrolidides and methyl esters with electron ionization mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom., 39, 1313-1320 (2004).
- Alborn, H.T., Jones,T.H., Stenhagen,G.S. and Tumlinson,D.J.H. Identification and synthesis of volicitin and related components from beet armyworm oral secretions. J. Chem. Ecol., 26, 203-220 (2000).
- Andersson, B.A. Mass spectrometry of fatty acid pyrrolidides. Prog. Chem. Fats other Lipids, 16, 279-308 (1978).
- Andersson, B.A. Pyrrolidides in the structural analysis of lipids by mass spectrometry. Adv. Biochem. Physiol. Plant Lipids, 257-262 (1979).
- Andersson, B.A. and Bertelsen,O. A study of the wax from the free-flowing preen gland secretion of the Coscoroba swan. Chem. Scripta, 8, 135-139 (1975).
- Andersson, B.A. and Holman,R.T. Pyrrolidides for mass spectrometric determination of the position of double bonds in monounsaturated fatty acids. Lipids, 9, 185-190 (1974).
- Andersson, B.A. and Holman,R.T. Mass spectrometric localisation of methylbranching in fatty acids using acylpyrrolidines. Lipids, 10, 716-718 (1975).
- Andersson, B.A., Christie,W.W. and Holman,R.T. Mass spectrometric determination of positions of double bonds in polyunsaturatd fatty acid pyrrolidides. Lipids, 10, 215-219 (1975).
- Andersson, B.A., Dinger,F. and Dinh-Nguyen,D. Mass spectrometry studies of stable isotope-labelled carboxylic acid derivatives. IV. Pyrrolidides of vicinal and geminal dideuterated n-octadecanoic acids and the omega trideuterated analogue. Chem. Scripta, 19, 118-121 (1982).
- Andersson, B.A., Dinger,F. and Dinh-Nguyen,N. Mass spectrometry studies of stable isotope labelled carboxylic acid derivatives. I. Normal chain saturated deuterium and carbon-13 compounds. Chem. Scripta, 8, 200-203 (1975).
- Andersson, B.A., Dinger,F., Dinh-Nguyen,N. and Raal,A. Mass spectrometry studies of stable isotope-labelled carboxylic acid derivatives. III. Methyl perdeuterio-n-alkanpyrrolidamates. Chem. Scripta, 10, 114-116 (1976).
- Andersson, B.A., Dinger.F. and Dinh-Nguyen,N. Mass spectrometry studies of stable isotope-labelled carboxylic acid derivatives. II. Normal-chain dideuteriated monoethylenic compounds. Chem. Scripta, 9, 155-157 (1976).
- Andersson, B.A., Heimermann,W.H. and Holman,R.T. Comparison of pyrrolidides with other amides for the mass spectrometry determination of structure of unsaturated fatty acids. Lipids, 9, 443-449 (1974).
- Ayanoglu, E., Kurtz,K., Kornprobst,J.M. and Djerassi,C. New natural 2-acetoxy fatty acids using CI and EI mass spectrometry. Lipids, 20, 141-144 (1985).
- Ayanoglu, E., Popov,S., Kornprobst,J.M., Aboud-Bichara,A. and Djerassi,C. Phospholipid studies of marine organisms. V. New alpha-methoxy acids from Higginsia tethyoides. Lipids, 18, 830-836 (1983).
- Ayanoglu, E., Walkup,R.D., Sica,D. and Djerassi,C. Phospholipid studies of marine organisms: III. New phospholipid FA from Petrosia ficiformis. Lipids, 17, 617-625 (1982).
- Barnathan, G., Doumenq,P., Njinkoue,J.-M., Miralles,J., Debitus,C., Levi,C. and Kornprobst,J.-M. Sponge fatty acids 3. Occurrence of series of n-7 monoenoic and iso-5,9 dienoic long-chain fatty acids in the phospholipids of the marine sponge Cinachyrella aff. schulzei Keller. Lipids, 29, 297-303 (1994).
- Barnathan, G., Kornprobst,J.M., Doumenq,P. and Miralles,J. New unsaturated long-chain fatty acids in the phospholipids from the Axinellida sponges Trikentrion loeve and Pseudaxinella cf. lunaecharta. Lipids, 31, 193-200 (1996).
- Barnathan, G., Kornprobst,J.M., Doumenq,P., Miralles.J. and Bouryesnault,N. Sponge fatty-acids. 5. Characterization of complete series of 2-hydroxy long-chain fatty-acids in phospholipids of 2 Senegalese marine sponges from the family Suberitidae - Pseudosuberites sp and Suberites massa. J. Nat. Prod., 56, 2104-2113 (1993).
- Barnathan, G., Miralles,J., Gaydou,E.M., Boury-Esnault,N. and Kornprobst,J.-M. New phospholipid fatty acids from the marine sponge Cinachyrella alloclada Uliczka. Lipids, 27, 779-784 (1992).
- Barnathan, G., Genin,E., Velosaotsy,N.E., Kornprobst,J.M., Al-Lihaibi,S., Al-Sofyani,A. and Nongonierma,R. Phospholipid fatty acids and sterols of two Cinachyrella sponges from the Saudi Arabian Red Sea: comparison with Cinachyrella species from other origins. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 135, 297-308 (2003).
- Bertelsen, O. and Dinh-Nguyen,N. Contribution to the studies of the naturally occurring lipids. 1. Uropygial gland wax of the black-necked swan (Cygnus melanocoryphus). Chem. Scripta, 19, 172-175 (1982).
- Broadwater,J.A., Laundre,B.J. and Fox,B.G. Desaturation of trans-octadecenoyl-acyl carrier protein by stearoyl-acyl carrier protein Delta(9) desaturase. J. Inorganic Biochem., 78, 7-14 (2000).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Alicea,J. The first naturally occurring alpha-methoxylated branched-chain fatty acids from the phospholipids of Amphimedon complanata. Lipids, 36, 83-87 (2001).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Emiliano,A. Novel brominated phospholipid fatty acids from the Caribbean sponge Agelas sp. Lipids, 28, 763-766 (1993).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Lopez,M.R. On the isolation of 2-hydroxydocosanoic and 2-hydroxytricosanoic acids from the marine sponge Arnphimedon compressa. Lipids, 24, 89-91 (1989).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Medina,J.R. New delta(5,9)-fatty acids in the phospholipids of the sea anemone Stoichactis helianthus. J. Nat. Prod., 57, 1688-1695 (1994).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Maldonado,L. Identification of 5,9-hexadecadienoic acid in the marine sponge Chondrilla nucula. Lipids, 21, 470-471 (1986).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Maldonado,L. The phospholipid fatty acids of the marine sponge Xestospongia muta. Lipids, 23, 682-684 (1988).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Maldonado,M.E. 7-methyl-8-hexadecenoic acid: a novel fatty acid from the marine sponge Desmapsama anchorata. Lipids, 23, 690-693 (1988).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Maldonado,M.E. New phospholipid fatty acids from the caribbean sponge Ectyoplasia ferox. Lipids. 24, 371-374 (1989).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Maldonado,M.E. On the isolation of the new fatty acid 6,11-eicosadienoic (20:2) and related 6,11-dienoic acids from the sponge Euryspongia rosea. Lipids, 24, 665-668 (1989).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Pagan,M. Identification and total synthesis of a novel dimethylated fatty acid from the Caribbean sponge Calyx podatypa. J. Nat. Prod., 63, 666-669 (2000).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Reyes,E.D. Identification of the new 23-methyl-5,9-pentacosadienoic acid in the sponge Cribrochalina vasculum. Lipids, 25, 69-71 (1990).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Shalabi,F. Novel brominated phospholipid fatty acids from the Caribbean sponge Petrosia sp. J. Nat. Prod., 56, 739-746 (1993).
- Carballeira, N.M. and Shalabi,F. Identification of naturally occurring trans,trans 5,9 fatty acids from the sponge Plakortis halichondroides. Lipids, 25, 835-840 (1990).
- Carballeira, N.M., Cruz,C. and Sostre,A. Identification of the novel 7-methyl-6-octadecenoic acid in Holothuria mexicana. J. Nat. Prod., 59, 1076-1078 (1996).
- Carballeira, N.M., Cruz,H. and Ayala,N.L. Total synthesis of 2-methoxy-14-methylpentadecanoic acid and the novel 2-methoxy-1 4-methylhexadecanoic acid identified in the sponge Agelas dispar. Lipids, 37, 1033-1037 (2002).
- Carballeira, N.M., Miranda,C., Lozano,C.M., Nechev,J.T., Ivanova,A., Ilieva,M., Tzvetkova,I. and Stefanov,K. Characterization of novel methyl-branched chain fatty acids from a halophilic Bacillus species. J. Nat. Prod., 64, 256-259 (2001).
- Carballeira, N.M., Maldonado,L. and Porras,B. Isoprenoid fatty acids from marine sponges. Are sponges selective? Lipids, 22, 767-769 (1987).
- Carballeira, N.M., Montano,N., Vicente,J. and Rodriguez,A.D. Novel cyclopropane fatty acids from the phospholipids of the Caribbean sponge Pseudospongosorites suberitoides. Lipids, 42, 519-524 (2007).
- Carballeira, N.M., Oyola,D., Vicente,J. and Rodriguez,A.D. Identification of novel alpha-methoxylated phospholipid fatty acids in the caribbean sponge Erylus goffrilleri. Lipids, 42, 1047-1053 (2007).
- Carballeira, N.M., Reyes,E.D. and Shalabi,F. Identification of novel iso/anteiso nonacosadienoic acids from the phospholipids of the sponges Chondrosia remiformis and Myrmekioderma styx. J. Nat. Prod., 56, 1850-1855 (1993).
- Carballeira, N.M., Reyes,E.D., Sostre,A., Rodriguez,A.D., Rodriguez,J.L. and Gonzalez,F.A. Identification of the novel antimicrobial fatty acid (5Z,9Z)-14-methyl-5,9-pentadecadienoic acid in Eunicea succinea. J. Nat. Prod., 60, 502-504 (1997).
- Carballeira, N.M., Shalabi,F. and Negron,V. 2-Hydroxy fatty acids from marine sponges 2. The phospholipid fatty acids of the Caribbean sponges Verongula gigantean and Aplysina archeri. Lipids, 24, 229-232 (1989).
- Carballeira, N.M., Shalabi,F. and Maldonado,M.E. Identification of the new 18-hexacosenoic acid in the sponge Thalysias juniperina. Lipids, 25, 235-237 (1990).
- Carballeira, N.M., Sostre,A. and Rodrígue,A.D. Phospholipid fatty acid composition of Gorgonians of the Genus Pseudopterogorgia: identification of tetracosapolyenoic acids. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 113, 781-783 (1996).
- Carballeira, N.M., Sostre,A., Stefanov,K., Popov,S., Kujumgiev,A., Dimitrova-Konaklieva,S., Tosteson,C.G. and Tosteson,T.R. The fatty acid composition of a Vibrio alginolyticus associated with the alga Cladophora coelothrix, identification of the novel 9-methyl-10-hexadecenoic acid. Lipids, 32, 1271-1275 (1997).
- Christie, W.W. The chromatographic analysis of lipids. In: 'The Lipid Handbook - 3rd edition', pp. 426-455 (edited by F.D. Gunstone, J.L. Harwood and A. Dijkstra, Chapman & Hall, London) (2007).
- Christie, W.W. Unusual gas chromatographic properties of fatty acid pyrrolidides. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 104, 69-70 (2002).
- Christie, W.W. and Han, X. Lipid Analysis - Isolation, Separation, Identification and Lipidomic Analysis (4th edition), 446 pages (Oily Press, Woodhead Publishing and now Elsevier) (2010) - see Science Direct.
- Christie, W.W., Brechany,E.Y., Johnson,S.B. and Holman,R.T. A comparison of pyrrolidide and picolinyl ester derivatives for the identification of fatty acids in natural samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Lipids, 21, 657-661 (1986).
- Dagorn, F., Dumay, J., Wielgosz-Collin, G., Rabesaotra, V., Viau, M., Monniot, C., Biard, J.F. and Barnathan, G. Phospholipid distribution and phospholipid fatty acids of the tropical tunicates Eudistoma sp. and Leptoclinides uniorbis Lipids, 45, 253-261 (2010); DOI.
- Dasgupta, A., Ayanoglu,E. and Djerassi,C. Phospholipid studies of marine organisms: new branched fatty acids from Strongylophora durissima. Lipids, 19, 768-776 (1984).
- Dasgupta, A., Ayanoglu,E., Wegmann-Szente,A., Tomer,K.B. and Djerassi,C. Mass spectral behaviour and HPLC of some unusual molecular phospholipid species. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 41, 335-347 (1986).
- Dasgupta, A., Banerjee,P. and Malik,S. Use of microwave irradiation for rapid transesterification of lipids and accelerated synthesis of fatty acyl pyrrolidides for analysis by GC-MS: study of fatty acid profiles of olive oil, evening primrose oil, fish oils and phospholipids from mango pulp. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 62, 281-291 (1992).
- Dembitsky, V.M., Rezanka,T., Bychek,I.A. and Shustov,M.V. Identification of fatty acids from Cladonia lichens. Phytochemistry, 30, 4015-4018 (1991).
- Denis, C., Wielgosz-Collin,G., Breteche,A., Ruiz,N., Rabesaotra,V., Boury-Esnault,N., Kornprobst,J.M. and Barnathan,G. New 17-methyl-13-octadecenoic and 3,16-docosadienoic acids from the sponge Polymastia penicillus. Lipids, 44, 655-663 (2009).
- Dias, A.C.D.S., Ruiz, N., Couzinet-Mossion, A., Bertrand, S., Duflos, M., Pouchus, Y.-F., Barnathan, G., Nazi, H. and Wielgosz-Collin, G. The marine-derived fungus Clonostachys rosea, source of a rare conjugated 4-me-6e,8e-hexadecadienoic acid reducing viability of MCF-7 breast cancer cells and gene expression of lipogenic enzymes. Mar. Drugs, 13, 4934-4948 (2015); DOI.
- Dobson, G. and Christie, W.W. Mass spectrometry of fatty acid derivatives. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 104, 36-43 (2002).
- Dubois, N., Barnathan, G., Gouygou, J.P. and Berge, J.P. Gas chromatographic behavior of fatty acid derivatives for mass spectrometry on low-polarity capillary columns. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 111, 688-697 (2009).
- Duque, C., Cepeda,N. and Martinez,A. The steryl ester and phospholipid fatty acids of the sponge Agelas conifera from the Colombian Caribbean. Lipids, 28, 767-769 (1993).
- Eagles, J., Fenwick,G.R. and Self,R. Remote group derivatives: limitations on the effectiveness of pyrrolidide derivatives of oxygen-containing fatty acids. Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 6, 462-464 (1979).
- El Kebir, M.V.O., Barnathan,G., Gaydou,E.M., Siau,Y., and Miralles,J. Fatty acids in liver, muscle and gonad of three tropical rays including non-methylene-interrupted dienoic fatty acids. Lipids, 42, 525-535 (2007).
- Gensler, W.J. and Marshall,J.P. Structures of mycobacterial bis-cyclopropane mycolates by mass spectrometry. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 19, 128-143 (1977).
- Gerson, T., Patel,J.J. and Nixon,L.N. Some unusual fatty acids of Rhizobium. Lipids, 10, 134-139 (1975).
- Hammann, S., Tillmann, U., Schroder, M. and Vetter, W. Profiling the fatty acids from a strain of the microalgae Alexandrium tamarense by means of high-speed counter-current chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 1312, 93-103 (2013).
- Hennessy, A.A., Barrett, E., Ross, R.P., Fitzgerald, G.F., Devery, R. and Stanton, C. The production of conjugated a-linolenic, g-linolenic and stearidonic acids by strains of bifidobacteria and propionibacteria. Lipids, 47, 313-327 (2012).
- Henningson, P.J., Vick,B.A., Bugbee,W.M. and Gudmestad,N.C. Characterization of 12-methyl-cis-4-tetradecenoic acid from Corynebacterium sepedonicum. Lipids, 23, 1086-1088 (1988).
- Hirata, A., Kishino, S., Si-Bum Park, S.-B., Takeuchi, M., Kitamura, N. and Ogawa, J. A novel unsaturated fatty acid hydratase toward C16 to C22 fatty acids from Lactobacillus acidophilus. J. Lipid Res., 56, 1340-1350 (2015); DOI.
- Holz, G.G., Beach,D.H., Singh,B.N. and Fish,W.R. Biosynthesis of the novel fatty acid, 17-methyl-cis-9,10-methylene-octadecanoic acid, by the parasitic protozoan, Herpetomonas megaseliae. Lipids, 18, 607-610 (1983).
- Imbs, A.B. and Latyshev,N.A. New Delta 5 and Delta 4 unsaturated medium-and long-chain fatty acids in the freshwater sponge Baicalospongia bacilifera. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 92, 117-125 (1998).
- Imbs, A.B. and Rodkina,S.A. Isolation of 2-methyl branched unsaturated very long fatty acids from marine sponge Halichondria panicea and identification of them by GC-MS and NMR. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 129, 173-181 (2004).
- Imbs, A.B. and Rodkina,S.A. Trans and positional ethylenic bonds in two dominant isomers of eicosapentaenoic acid from the freshwater sponge Baicalospongia bacillifera. Lipids, 40, 963-968 (2005).
- Imbs, A.B., Demidkova,D.A., Dautova,T.N. and Latyshev,N.A. Fatty acid biomarkers of symbionts and unusual inhibition of tetracosapolyenoic acid biosynthesis in corals (Octocorallia). Lipids, 44, 325-335 (2009).
- Imbs, A.B., Latyshev,N.A., Zhukova,N.V. and Dautova,T.N. Comparison of fatty acid compositions of azooxanthellate Dendronephthya and zooxanthellate soft coral species. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 148, 314-321 (2007).
Iversen, S.A., Cawood,P., Madigan,M.J., Lawson,A.M. and Dormandy,T.L. Identification of a diene conjugated component of human lipid as octadeca-9,11-dienoic acid. FEBS Letts, 171, 320-324 (1984).
- Kakela, R., Hyvarinen,H. and Vainiotalo,P. Unusual fatty acids in the depot fat of the Canadian beaver (Castor canadensis). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 113, 625-629 (1996).
- Kangani, C.O. and Kelley,D.E. One pot direct synthesis of amides or oxazolines from carboxylic acids using Deoxo-Fluor reagent. Tetrahedron Letts., 46, 8917-8920 (2005).
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- Karas, M.A. and Russa, R. New long chain bases in lipophosphonoglycan of Acanthamoeba castellanii. Lipids, 48, 639-650 (2013).
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- Kawashima, H. and Ohnishi, M. Novel heneicosadienoic and tricosadienoic acid isomers in ovaries of marine Archaeogastropods. Lipids, 47, 827-833 (2012).
- Kendel, M., Barnathan, G., Fleurence, J., Rabesaotra, V. and Wielgosz-Collin, G. Non-methylene interrupted and hydroxy fatty acids in polar lipids of the alga Grateloupia turuturu over the four seasons. Lipids,48, 535-545 (2013).
- Kharlamenko, V.I., Svetashev, V.I. and Tarasova, T.S. New and uncommon fatty acids in lipids of deep-sea Foraminifera. Lipids, 52, 345-352 (2017); DOI.
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