Highlights from the Lipid Analysis Literature - 2021
The following references were collected as part of a weekly literature search that reflects my (former) personal research interests. However, most mainstream lipid analytical topics are covered. Among the exceptions are "steroidal hormones", "prostanoids", "fat-soluble vitamins" and "terpenoids", although some papers in these categories may be posted. My intention is to list only those papers that exhibit novel analytical methodology as opposed to tried and tested methods, although this may appear to introduce a bias towards modern mass spectrometry techniques. Some papers in press may be listed here without the full citation, but the DOI address should still be valid, and they may be updated later. References are listed alphabetically by the first author.
References for the next month are added at approximately monthly intervals by merging with the existing references. The most recent references of all will be found in the web page - "This month's references".

- Abeyrathne, E.D.N.S., Nam, K. and Ahn, D.U. Analytical methods for lipid oxidation and antioxidant capacity in food systems. Antioxidants, 10, 1587 (2021); DOI.
- Abreu, S., Heron, S., Solgadi, A., Joffre, F., Tchapla, A. and Chaminade, P. Rapid assessment of triacylglycerol fatty acyls composition by LC-APPI(+)-HRMS using monoacylglycerol like fragments intensities. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1178, 338809 (2021); DOI.
- Acunha, T., Nardini, V., Peti, A.P.F., Prado, M.K.B., Moraes, L.A.B. and Faccioli, L.H. Targeted analysis of eicosanoids derived from cytochrome P450 pathway by high-resolution multiple-reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom., 56, e4769 (2021); DOI.
- Adem, A.A., Belete, A., Soboleva, A., Frolov, A., Tessema, E.N., Gebre-Mariam, T. and Neubert, R.H.H. Structural characterization of plant glucosylceramides and the corresponding ceramides by UHPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap mass spectrometry. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 192, 113677 (2021); DOI.
- Aguei-Gonzalez, P., Bao, G.B., de Castro, M.A.G., Rizzoli, S.O. and Phan, N.T.N. Secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging reveals changes in the lipid structure of the plasma membranes of hippocampal neurons following drugs affecting neuronal activity. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 12, 1542-1551 (2021); DOI.
- Aguilera-Romero, A., Sabido-Bozo, S., Lopez, S., Cortes-Gomez, A., Rodriguez-Gallardo, S., Perez-Linero, A.M., Riezman, I., Riezman, H. and Muniz, M. Determination of the lipid composition of the GPI anchor. PLOS One, 16, e0256184 (2021); DOI.
- Ahmmed, M.K., Carne, A., Ahmmed, F., Stewart, I., Tian, H. and Bekhit, A.E.D.A. Positional distribution of fatty acids and phospholipid composition in King salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) head, roe and skin using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Food Chem., 363, 130302 (2021); DOI.
- Ahmmed, M.K., Carne, A., Stewart, I., Tian, H. and Bekhit, A.E.A. Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (P-31 NMR) for quantitative measurements of phospholipids derived from natural products: Effect of analysis conditions. LWT-Food Sci. Technol., 142, 110991 (2021); DOI.
- Aissa, I., Kilar, A. and Dornyei, A. Study on the CID fragmentation pathways of deprotonated 4'-monophosphoryl lipid A. Molecules, 26, 5961 (2021); DOI.
- Akiyama, H., Ide, M., Yamaji, T., Mizutani, Y., Niimi, Y., Mutoh, T., Kamiguchi, H. and Hirabayashi, Y. Galabiosylceramide is present in human cerebrospinal fluid. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 536, 73-79 (2021); DOI.
- Akiyama, M. Acylceramide is a key player in skin barrier function: insight into the molecular mechanisms of skin barrier formation and ichthyosis pathogenesis. FEBS J., 288, 2119-2130 (2021); DOI.
- Akyol, S., Ugur, Z., Yilmaz, A., Ustun, I., Gorti, S.K.K., Oh, K., McGuinness, B., Passmore, P., Kehoe, P.G., Maddens, M.E., Green, B.D. and Graham, S.F. Lipid profiling of Alzheimer's disease brain highlights enrichment in glycerol(phospho)lipid, and sphingolipid metabolism. Cells, 10, 2591 (2021); DOI.
- Al-Shaer, A.E., Buddenbaum, N. and Shaikh, S.R. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, specialized pro-resolving mediators, and targeting inflammation resolution in the age of precision nutrition. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Lipids, 1866, 158936 (2021); DOI.
- Ali, H., Yamashita, R., Morishige, J., Morito, K., Kakiuchi, N., Hayashi, J., Aihara, M., Kawakami, R., Tsuchiya, K and Tanaka, T. Mass spectrometric analysis of sphingomyelin with N-alpha-hydroxy fatty acyl residue in mouse tissues. Lipids, 56, 181-188 (2021); DOI.
- Almeida-Trapp, M., de Souza, G.D., Shekhawat, K., Sheikh, A.H., Mithofer, A., Hirt, H. and Rodrigues-Filho, E. Development, validation, and application of an HPLC-MS/MS method for quantification of oxidized fatty acids in plants. J. Chromatogr. B, 1186, 123006 (2021); DOI.
- Altomare, A., Baron, G., Gianazza, E., Banfi, C., Carini, M. and Aldini, G. Lipid peroxidation derived reactive carbonyl species in free and conjugated forms as an index of lipid peroxidation: limits and perspectives. Redox Biol., 42, 101899 (2021); DOI.
- Alves, M.A., Lamichhane, S., Dickens, A., McGlinchey, A., Ribeiro, H.C., Sen, P., Wei, F., Hyotylainen, T. and Oresic, M. Systems biology approaches to study lipidomes in health and disease. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, Lipids, 1866, 158857 (2021); DOI.
- Ambaw, Y.A., Dahl, S.R., Chen, Y., Greibrokk, T., Lundanes, E., Lazraq, I., Shinde, S., Selvalatchmanan, J., Wenk, M.R., Sellergren, B. and Torta, F. Tailored polymer-based selective extraction of lipid mediators from biological samples. Metabolites, 11, 539 (2021); DOI.
- Amunugama, K., Jellinek, M.J., Kilroy, M.P., Albert, C.J., Rasi, V., Hoft, D.F., Shashaty, M.G.S., Meyer, N.J. and Ford, D.A. Identification of novel neutrophil very long chain plasmalogen molecular species and their myeloperoxidase mediated oxidation products in human sepsis. Redox Biol., 48, 102208 (2021); DOI.
- Angelini, R. and 18 others. "Visualizing cholesterol in the brain by on-tissue derivatization and quantitative mass spectrometry imaging ." Anal. Chem., 93, 4932-4943 (2021); DOI.
- Aoyagi, R., Yamamoto, T., Furukawa, Y. and Arita, M. Characterization of the structural diversity and structure-specific behavior of oxidized phospholipids by LC-MS/MS. Chem. Pharm. Bull., 69, 953-961 (2021); DOI.
- Apffel, A., Zhao, L.M.A. and Sartain, M.J. A novel solid phase extraction sample preparation method for lipidomic analysis of human plasma using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Metabolites, 11, 294 (2021); DOI.
- Arachchige, G.R.P., Thorstensen, E.B., Coe, M., O'Sullivan, J.M. and Pook, C.J. Absolute quantification of eleven A, D, E and K vitamers in human plasma using automated extraction and UHPLC-Orbitrap MS. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1181, 338877 (2021); DOI.
- Archambault, A.S., Zaid, Y., Rakotoarivelo, V., Turcotte, C., Dore, E., Dubuc, I., Martin, C., Flamand, O., Amar, Y., Cheikh, A., Fares, H., El Hassani, A., Tijani, Y., Cote, A., Laviolette, M., Boilard, E., Flamand, L. and Flamand, N. High levels of eicosanoids and docosanoids in the lungs of intubated COVID-19 patients. FASEB J., 35, e21666 (2021); DOI.
- Arena, P., Sciarrone, D., Dugo, P., Donato, P. and Mondello, L. Pattern-type separation of triacylglycerols by silver thiolate x non-aqueous reversed phase comprehensive liquid chromatography. Separations, 8, 88 (2021); DOI.
- Azad, A., Kobayashi, H., Sheikh, A.M., Osago, H., Sakai, H., Haque, M.A., Yano, S. and Nagai, A. Rapid identification of plasmalogen molecular species using targeted multiplexed selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. J. Mass Spectrom. Adv. Clin. Lab, 22, 26-33 (2021); DOI.
- Azbukina, N.V., Chistyakov, D.V., Goriainov, S.V., Kotelin, V.I., Fedoseeva, E.V., Petrov, S.Y., Sergeeva, M.G., Iomdina, E.N. and Zernii, E.Y. Targeted lipidomic analysis of aqueous humor reveals signaling lipid-mediated pathways in primary open-angle glaucoma. Biology-Basel, 10, 658 (2021); DOI.
- Aziz, T., Sarwar, A., Din, J.U., Al Dalali, S., Khan, A.A., Din, Z.U. and Yang, Z.N. Biotransformation of linoleic acid into different metabolites by food derived Lactobacillus plantarum 12-3 and in silico characterization of relevant reactions. Food Res. Int., 147, 110470 (2021); DOI.
- Babiy, B., Busto, R. and Pastor, O. A normalized signal calibration with a long-term reference improves the robustness of RPLC-MRM/MS lipidomics in plasma. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 413, 4077-4090 (2021); DOI.
- Bai, Y.P., Huang, W.D., Li, Y.C., Lai, C.C., Huang, S.M., Wang, G.W., He, Y.M., Hu, L.H. and Chen, C.B. Lipidomic alteration of plasma in cured COVID-19 patients using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Biosci. Rep., 41, 3 (2021); DOI.
- Bailey, L.S., Huang, F.R., Gao, T.Q., Zhao, J.Y., Basso, K.B. and Guo, Z.W. Characterization of glycosphingolipids and their diverse lipid forms through two-stage matching of LC-MS/MS spectra. Anal. Chem., 93, 3154-3162 (2021); DOI.
- Bale, N.J., Ding, S., Hopmans, E.C., Arts, M.G.I., Villanueva, L., Boschman, C., Haas, A.F., Schouten, S. and Damste, J.S.S. Lipidomics of environmental microbial communities. I: Visualization of component distributions using untargeted analysis of high-resolution mass spectrometry data. Front. Microbiol., 12, 659302 (2021); DOI.
- Ballout, R.A., Kong, H., Sampson, M., Otvos, J.D., Cox, A.L., Agbor-Enoh, S. and Remaley, A.T. The NIH Lipo-COVID Study: A pilot NMR investigation of lipoprotein subfractions and other metabolites in patients with severe Covid-19. Biomedicines, 9, 1090 (2021); DOI.
- Barcenas-Perez, D., Lukes, M., Hrouzek, P., Kubac, D., Kopecky, J., Kastanek, P. and Cheel, J. A biorefinery approach to obtain docosahexaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid n-6 from Schizochytrium using high performance countercurrent chromatography. Algal Res.-Biomass Biofuels Bioproducts, 55, 102241 (2021); DOI.
- Barker-Tejeda, T.C., Villasenor, A., Gonzalez-Riano, C., Lopez-Lopez, A., Gradillas, A. and Barbas, C. In vitro generation of oxidized standards for lipidomics. Application to major membrane lipid components. J. Chromatogr. A, 1651, 462254 (2021); DOI.
- Bartosova, Z., Ertesvag, H., Nyflot, E.L., Kampe, K., Aasen, I.M. and Bruheim, P. Combined metabolome and lipidome analyses for in-depth characterization of lipid accumulation in the DHA producing Aurantiochytrium sp. T66. Metabolites, 11, 135 (2021); DOI.
- Bartosova, Z., Gonzalez, S.V., Voigt, A. and Bruheim, P. High throughput semiquantitative UHPSFC-MS/MS lipid profiling and lipid class determination. J. Chromatogr. Sci., 59, 670-680 (2021); DOI.
- Beck, A., Haitz, F., Thier, I., Siems, K., Jakupovic, S., Rupp, S. and Zibek, S. Novel mannosylerythritol lipid biosurfactant structures from castor oil revealed by advanced structure analysis. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 48, kuab042 (2021); DOI.
- Beegun, I., Koenis, D.S., Alusi, G. and Dalli, J. Dysregulated maresin concentrations in plasma and nasal secretions from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Front. Immun., 12, 733019 (2021); DOI.
- Begou, O.A., Deda, O., Karagiannidis, E., Sianos, G., Theodoridis, G. and Gika, H.G. Development and validation of a RPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of ceramides in human serum. J. Chromatogr. B, 1175, 122734 (2021); DOI.
- Benincasa, C., La Torre, C., Fazio, A., Perri, E., Caroleo, M.C., Plastina, P. and Cione, E. Identification of tyrosyl oleate as a novel olive oil lipophenol with proliferative and antioxidant properties in human keratinocytes. Antioxidants, 10, 1051 (2021); DOI.
- Berthias, F., Poad, B.L.J., Thurman, H.A., Bowman, A.P., Blanksby, S.J. and Shvartsburg, A.A. Disentangling lipid isomers by high-resolution differential ion mobility spectrometry/ozone-induced dissociation of metalated species. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 32, 2827-2836 (2021); DOI.
- Bhaduri, A., Neumann, E.K., Kriegstein, A.R. and Sweedler, J.V. Identification of lipid heterogeneity and diversity in the developing human brain. JACS AU, 1, 2261-2270 (2021); DOI.
- Bien, T., Hambleton, E.A., Dreisewerd, K. and Soltwisch, J. Molecular insights into symbiosis-mapping sterols in a marine flatworm-algae-system using high spatial resolution MALDI-2-MS imaging with ion mobility separation. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 413, 2767–2777 (2021); DOI.
- Bill, M.K., Brinkmann, S., Oberpaul, M., Patras, M.A., Leis, B., Marner, M., Maitre, M.P., Hammann, P.E., Vilcinskas, A., Schuler, S.M.M. and Schaberle, T.F. Novel glycerophospholipid, lipo- and N-acyl amino acids from Bacteroidetes: isolation, structure elucidation and bioactivity. Molecules, 26, 5195 (2021); DOI.
- Bisht, B., Kumar, V., Gururani, P., Tomar, M.S., Nanda, M., Vlaskin, M.S., Kumar, S. and Kurbatova, A. The potential of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in metabolomics and lipidomics of microalgae- a review. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 710, 108987 (2021); DOI.
- Blank, M. and Hopf, C. Spatially resolved mass spectrometry analysis of amyloid plaque-associated lipids. J. Neurochem., 159, 330-342 (2021); DOI.
- Boenzi, S., Catesini, G., Sacchetti, E., Tagliaferri, F., Dionisi-Vici, C. and Deodato, F. Comprehensive-targeted lipidomic analysis in Niemann-Pick C disease. Mol. Gen. Metab., 134, 337-343 (2021); DOI.
- Bonney, J.R. and Prentice, B.M. Perspective on emerging mass spectrometry technologies for comprehensive lipid structural elucidation. Anal. Chem., 93, 6311-6322 (2021); DOI.
- Bouza, M., Li, Y.F., Wang, A.C., Wang, Z.L. and Fernandez, F.M. Triboelectric nanogenerator ion mobility-mass spectrometry for in-depth lipid annotation. Anal. Chem., 93, 5468-5475 (2021); DOI.
- Buchanan, C.D.C., Lust, C.A.C., Burns, J.L., Hillyer, L.M., Martin, S.A., Wittert, G.A. and Ma, D.W.L. Analysis of major fatty acids from matched plasma and serum samples reveals highly comparable absolute and relative levels. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes Essential Fatty Acids, 168, 102268 (2021); DOI.
- Bukowski, M.R. and Picklo, M.J. Simple, rapid lipidomic analysis of triacylglycerols in bovine milk by infusion-electrospray mass spectrometry. Lipids, 56,243-255 (2021); DOI.
- Bulut, M., Fernie, A.R. and Alseekh, S. Large-scale multi-omics genome-wide association studies (Mo-GWAS): guidelines for sample preparation and normalization. JOVE-J. Vis. Exp., e62732 (2021); DOI.
- Buré, C., Le Senechal, C., Macias, L., Tokarski, C., Vilain, S. and Brodbelt, J.S. Characterization of isomers of lipid A from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry with higher-energy collisional dissociation and ultraviolet photodissociation. Anal. Chem., 93, 4255-4262 (2021); DOI.
- Buszewska-Forajta, M., Pomastowski, P., Monedeiro, F., Walczak-Skierska, J., Markuszewski, M., Matuszewski, M., Markuszewski, M.J. and Buszewski, B. Lipidomics as a diagnostic tool for prostate cancer. Cancers, 13, 2000 (2021); DOI.
- Buszewski, B., Walczak-Skierska, J., Wrona, O. and Wojtczak, I Linear solvation energy relationships in the determination of phospholipids by supercritical fluid chromatography. J. Supercritical Fluids, 173, 105206 (2021); DOI.
- Byeon, S.K., Madugundu, A.K. and Pandey, A. Automated data-driven mass spectrometry for improved analysis of lipids with dual dissociation techniques. J. Mass Spectrom. Adv. Clin. Lab, 22, 43-49 (2021); DOI.
- Cabruja, M., Priotti, J., Domizi, P., Papsdorf, K., Kroetz, D.L., Brunet, A., Contrepois, K. and Snyder, M.P. In-depth triacylglycerol profiling using MS3 Q-Trap mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta, 1184, 339023 (2021); DOI.
- Cai, F., Ren, F.D., Zhang, Y.M., Ding, X.X., Fu, G.H., Ren, D.B., Yang, L.J., Chen, N., Shang, Y., Hu, Y.D., Yi, L.Z. and Zhang, H. Screening of lipid metabolism biomarkers in patients with coronary heart disease via ultra-performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. B, 1169, 122603 (2021); DOI.
- Cakic, N., Kopke, B., Rabus, R. and Wilkes, H. Suspect screening and targeted analysis of acyl coenzyme A thioesters in bacterial cultures using a high-resolution tribrid mass spectrometer. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 413, 3599–3610 (2021); DOI.
- Campillo, M., Medina, S., Fanti, F., Gallego-Gomez, J.I., Simonelli-Munoz, A., Bultel-Ponce, V., Durand, T., Galano, J.M., Tomas-Barberan, F.A., Gil-Izquierdo, A. and Dominguez-Perles, R. Phytoprostanes and phytofurans modulate COX-2-linked inflammation markers in LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes by lipidomics workflow. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 167, 335-347 (2021); DOI.
- Campos, A.M., Nuzzo, G., Varone, A., Italiani, P., Boraschi, D., Corda, D. and Fontana, A. Direct LC-MS/MS analysis of extra- and intracellular glycerophosphoinositol in model cancer cell lines. Front. Immun., 12, 646681 (2021); DOI.
- Cao, G.D., Ding, C., Yang, Z.Y., Wu, P.F., Lu, M.H., Guo, J.G., Chen, X.F., Hong, Y.J. and Cai, Z.W. Mass spectrometry investigation of nucleoside adducts of fatty acid hydroperoxides from oxidation of linolenic and linoleic acids. J. Chromatogr. A, 1649, 462236 (2021); DOI.
- Carmona-Salazar, L., Cahoon, R.E., Gasca-Pineda, J., Gonzalez-Solis, A., Vera-Estrella, R., Trevino, V., Cahoon, E.B., and Gavilanes-Ruiz, M. Plasma and vacuolar membrane sphingolipidomes: composition and insights on the role of main molecular species. Plant Physiol., 186, 624-639 (2021); DOI.
- Cassim, A.M. and 18 others. Biophysical analysis of the plant-specific GIPC sphingolipids reveals multiple modes of membrane regulation. J. Biol. Chem., 296, 100602 (2021); DOI.
- Castane, H., Baiges-Gaya, G., Hernandez-Aguilera, A., Rodriguez-Tomas, E., Fernandez-Arroyo, S., Herrero, P., Delpino-Rius, A., Canela, N., Menendez, J.A., Camps, J. and Joven, J. Coupling machine learning and lipidomics as a tool to investigate metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease. A general overview. Biomolecules, 11, 473 (2021); DOI.
- Castellaneta, A., Losito, I., Coniglio, D., Leoni, B., Santamaria, P., Di Noia, M.A., Palmieri, L., Calvano, C.D. and Cataldi, T.R.I. LIPIC: an automated workflow to account for isotopologue-related interferences in electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectra of phospholipids. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 32, 1008-1019 (2021); DOI.
- Cattaneo, A., Martano, G., Restuccia, U., Tronci, L., Bianchi, M., Bachi, A. and Matafora, V. Opti-nQL: an optimized, versatile and sensitive Nano-LC method for MS-based lipidomics analysis. Metabolites, 11, 720 (2021); DOI.
- Causevi, A., Olofsson, K., Adlercreutz, P. and Grey, C. Non-aqueous reversed phase liquid chromatography with charged aerosol detection for quantitative lipid analysis with improved accuracy. J. Chromatogr. A, 1652, 462374 (2021); DOI.
- Cebolla, V.L., Jarne, C., Vela, J., Garriga, R., Membrado, L. and Galban, J. Scanning densitometry and mass spectrometry for HPTLC analysis of lipids: The last 10 years. J. Liqu. Chromatogr. Rel. Technol., 44, 148-170 (2021); DOI.
- Cerrato, A., Aita, S.E., Capriotti, A.L., Cavaliere, C., Montone, C.M., Piovesana, S. and Lagana, A. Fully automatized detection of phosphocholine-containing lipids through an isotopically labeled buffer modification workflow. Anal. Chem., 93, 15042-15048 (2021); DOI.
- Chakraberty, R., Reiz, B. and Cairo, C.W. Profiling of glycosphingolipids with SCDase digestion and HPLC-FLD-MS. Anal. Biochem., 631, 114361 (2021); DOI.
- Chao, H.C. and McLuckey, S.A. In-depth structural characterization and quantification of cerebrosides and glycosphingosines with gas-phase ion chemistry. Anal. Chem., 93, 7332-7340 (2021); DOI.
- Chen, A., Zhang, Y.J., Sun, D.Y., Xu, Y.Y., Guo, Y.Q. and Wang, X. Investigation of the content differences of arachidonic acid metabolites in a mouse model of breast cancer by using LC-MS/MS. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 194, 113763 (2021); DOI.
- Chen, J.S., Hu, Y., Shao, C.X., Zhou, H.Y. and Lv, Z.Y. The imprinted PARAFILM as a new carrier material for dried plasma spots (DPSs) utilizing desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) in phospholipidomics. Front. Chem., 9, 801043 (2021); DOI.
- Chen, J.Y. and Devaraj, N.K. Synthetic probes and chemical tools in sphingolipid research. Curr. Opinion Chem. Biol., 65, 126-135 (2021); DOI.
- Chen, L., Sun, X.W., Khalsa, A.S., Bailey, M.T., Kelleher, K., Spees, C. and Zhu, J.J. Accurate and reliable quantitation of short chain fatty acids from human feces by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (UPLC-HRMS). J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 200, 114066 (2021); DOI.
- Chen, Q., Xu, F., Wang, L., Suo, X.D., Wang, Q.L., Meng, Q., Huang, L., Ma, C.X., Li, G.M. and Luo, M. Sphingolipid profile during cotton fiber growth revealed that a phytoceramide containing hydroxylated and saturated VLCFA is important for fiber cell elongation. Biomolecules, 11, 1352 (2021); DOI.
- Cheung, H.Y.F., Coman, C., Westhoff, P., Manke, M., Sickmann, A., Borst, O., Gawaz, M., Watson, S.P., Heemskerk, J.W.M. and Ahrends, R. Targeted phosphoinositides analysis using high-performance ion chromatography-coupled selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. J. Proteome Res., 20, 3114-3123 (2021); DOI.
- Cho, Y.T., Su, H., Wu, C.Y., Huang, T.L., Jeng, J., Huang, M.Z., Wu, D.C. and Shiea, J. Molecular mapping of sebaceous squalene by ambient mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 93, 16608-16617 (2021); DOI.
- Chocholouskova, M., Wolrab, D., Jirasko, R., Studentova, H., Melichar, B. and Holcapek, M. Intra-laboratory comparison of four analytical platforms for lipidomic quantitation using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography or supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to quadrupole - time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Talanta, 231, 122367 (2021); DOI.
- Choi, Y., Park, J.Y. and Chang, P.S. Integral stereoselectivity of lipase based on the chromatographic resolution of enantiomeric/regioisomeric diacylglycerols. J. Agric. Food Chem., 69, 325-331 (2021); DOI.
- Claes, B.S.R., Bowman, A.P., Poad, B.L.J., Young, R.S.E., Heeren, R.M.A., Blanksby, S.J. and Ellis, S.R. Mass spectrometry imaging of lipids with isomer resolution using high-pressure ozone-induced dissociation. Anal. Chem., 93, 9826-9834 (2021); DOI.
- Claus, R.A. and Graeler, M.H. Sphingolipidomics in translational sepsis research-biomedical considerations and perspectives. Front. Med., 7, 616578 (2021); DOI.
- Cobbaert, C.M. and 16 others (IFCC Working Grp Standardization A). Towards an SI-traceable reference measurement system for seven serum apolipoproteins using bottom-up quantitative proteomics: conceptual approach enabled by cross-disciplinary/cross-sector collaboration. Clin. Chem., 67, 478-489 (2021); DOI.
- Coniglio, D., Bianco, M., Ventura, G., Calvano, C.D., Losito, I. and Cataldi, T.R.I. Lipidomics of the edible brown alga wakame (Undaria pinnatifida) by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and tandem mass spectrometry. Molecules, 26, 4480 (2021); DOI.
- Czolkoss, S., Borgert, P., Poppenga, T., Holzl, G., Aktas, M. and Narberhaus, F. Synthesis of the unusual lipid bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate in environmental bacteria. Environm. Microbiol., 23, 6993-7008 (2021); DOI.
- da Silva, K.M., Iturrospe, E., Heyrman, J., Koelmel, J.P., Cuykx, M., Vanhaecke, T., Covaci, A. and van Nuijs, A.L.N. Optimization of a liquid chromatography-ion mobility-high resolution mass spectrometry platform for untargeted lipidomics and application to HepaRG cell extracts. Talanta, 235, 122808 (2021); DOI.
- Dardouri, M., Mendes, R.M., Frenzel, J., Costa, J. and Ribeiro, I.A.C. Seeking faster, alternative methods for glycolipid biosurfactant characterization and purification. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 413, 4311-4320 (2021); DOI.
- Davic, A. and Cascio, M. Development of a microfluidic platform for trace lipid analysis. Metabolites, 11, 130 (2021); DOI.
- Davis, D.E., Leaptrot, K.L., Koomen, D.C., May, J.C., Cavalcanti, G.D., Padilha, M.C., Pereira, H.M.G. and McLean, J.A. Multidimensional separations of intact phase II steroid metabolites utilizing LC-Ion Mobility-HRMS. Anal. Chem., 93, 10990-10998 (2021); DOI.
- De, P., Amin, A.G., Flores, D., Simpson, A., Dobos, K. and Chatterjee, D. Structural implications of lipoarabinomannan glycans from global clinical isolates in diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. J. Biol. Chem., 297, 101265 (2021); DOI.
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