MS Studies on the Metabolomics Workbench Containing Lipids

These studies were depositied in the NIH Metabolomics Data Repository from institutions around the world, and are hosted on the Metabolomics Workbench. Search, sort, and filter using the options below. Links lead to the Metabolomics Workbench website.

EI: Electron ionization(GC-MS); ESI: Electrospray ionization (LC-MS)


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Study Title, Institute, Subject Species, MS Type (case insensitive)

Study Title
Subject Species
MS Type
Number of lipids
Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part I) (ST001842) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens EI 26
Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part II) (ST001843) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens EI 281
Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part III) (ST001844) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens EI 53
Identification of unique metabolite networks between Latino and Caucasian patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (part V) (ST001845) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens EI 71
Longitudinal Metabolomics of Human Plasma Reveals Robust Prognostic Markers of COVID-19 Disease Severity (part I) (ST001849) Washington University, St. Louis Homo sapiens ESI 399
Quantitative analysis of bile acids in fecal samples from centenarians, elderly and young subjects. (ST001851) Keio University School of Medicine Homo sapiens ESI 43
Analysis of Bxa induced metabolic changes in epithelial cells (ST001863) Broad Institute Homo sapiens ESI 51
Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on AB 5600-Part 1 (ST001873) Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics Homo sapiens ESI 131
Metabolomics analysis of multiple samples on Agilent 6546-Part 1 (ST001874) Dalian Institute Of Chemical Physics Homo sapiens ESI 77
Targeted Sphingolipid analysis of HeLa knockout for expression of GRASP55 (ST001877) IBBC, CNR Homo sapiens ESI 47
Training-induced bioenergetic improvement in human skeletal muscle is associated with non-stoichiometric changes in the mitochondrial proteome without reorganisation of respiratory chain content (ST001907) Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Homo sapiens ESI 526
Metabolic and lipidomic characterization of radioresistant MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells to investigate potential therapeutic targets (ST001920) ChungAng University Homo sapiens ESI 21
An Airway Organoid-Based Screen Identifies a Role for the HIF1α-Glycolysis Axis in SARS-CoV-2 Infection (ST001921) Weill Cornell Medicine Homo sapiens EI 21
Sublytic membrane attack complex drives glycolysis and mitochondrial dysfunction with inflammatory consequences in human monocyte-derived macrophages (ST001922) MST-MedDesign, Discovery Analytical, GSK, Upper Providence, US Homo sapiens ESI 58
Pesticides, Perfluorinated compounds and the development of adolescents in agricultural communities (ST001931) Emory University Homo sapiens ESI 24
Absolute quantification of plasma cytokines and metabolome reveals the glycylproline regulating antibody-fading in convalescent COVID-19 patients (ST001933) Hong Kong Baptist University Homo sapiens ESI 80
Pseudoexfoliation aqueous humor lipidome suggests enrichment of specific pathways (ST001936) University of Miami Homo sapiens ESI 437
Comprehensive plasma metabolomics and lipidomics based management of benign and malignant solitary pulmonary nodules (ST001937) China Pharmaceutical University Homo sapiens EI/ESI 62
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement (ST001940) University of California, Los Angeles Homo sapiens ESI 271
Lipidomics of esophageal adenocarcinoma (ST001942) QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute Homo sapiens ESI 248
Metabolites Associated with Gestational Diabetes in Plasma (ST001948) California Polytechnic State University Homo sapiens ESI 36
Plasma Metabolome Normalization in Rheumatoid Arthritis following initiation of Methotrexate and the Identification of Metabolic Biomarkers of Efficacy (ST001949) University of Kansas Homo sapiens EI 400
Identifying metabolite changes in human islets treated with Phospho-BAD mimicry and Inflammatory cytokines (ST001953) Harvard University Homo sapiens ESI 62
Data on changes in lipid profiles during differentiation and maturation of human subcutaneous white adipocytes analyzed using chromatographic and bioinformatics tools (ST001958) Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Homo sapiens ESI 270
THEM6-mediated lipid remodelling sustains stress resistance in cancer (ST001963) IGMM Homo sapiens ESI 415
Lipid Profiling in African-American Men with Prostate Cancer (ST001971) Baylor College of Medicine Homo sapiens ESI 389
Metabolomic Fingerprinting of Human High Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Lines (ST001983) University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Homo sapiens ESI 296
THEM6-mediated lipid remodelling sustains stress resistance in cancer (Part 2) (ST001988) IGMM Homo sapiens ESI 495
THEM6-mediated lipid remodelling sustains stress resistance in cancer (Part 3) (ST001989) IGMM Homo sapiens ESI 522
Dynamics of bile acid metabolism between the host and gut microbiome in progression to islet autoimmunity (Blood) (ST001991) University of Turku Homo sapiens ESI 27
Dynamics of bile acid metabolism between the host and gut microbiome in progression to islet autoimmunity (Feces) (ST001992) University of Turku Homo sapiens ESI 29
A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 1) (ST002000) Columbia University Homo sapiens EI 23
A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 2) (ST002001) Columbia University Homo sapiens ESI 71
A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 3) (ST002002) Columbia University Homo sapiens ESI 336
A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 4) (ST002003) Columbia University Homo sapiens ESI 28
Chemoresistant Ovarian Cancer Global Metabolomics (ST002010) The University of South Australia Homo sapiens ESI 64
Metabolomics of COVID patients (ST002016) University of Virginia Homo sapiens ESI 64
Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (blood) (ST002017) Vanderbilt University Medical Center Homo sapiens ESI 347
Multi-omic analysis of the microbiome and metabolome in healthy subjects (feces) (ST002018) Vanderbilt University Medical Center Homo sapiens ESI 272
TIPs Metabolomics (blood) (ST002019) Vanderbilt University Medical Center Homo sapiens ESI 310
TIPs Metabolomics (urine) (ST002020) Vanderbilt University Medical Center Homo sapiens ESI 121
Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Serum/GC) (ST002025) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens EI 35
Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/GC) (ST002026) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens EI 65
Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Serum/HILIC) (ST002027) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens ESI 37
Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/HILIC) (ST002028) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens ESI 47
Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Serum/Bile acids) (ST002029) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens ESI 22
Metabolomics Analysis of Blood Plasma and Stool from Six Week Flaxseed Dietary Intervention in Postmenopausal Women (Stool/Bile acids) (ST002030) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens ESI 23
Reduced ER-mitochondria connectivity promotes neuroblastoma multidrug resistance (ST002054) Columbia University Homo sapiens ESI 145
Metabolomic Profiling of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation into Lung Progenitors (ST002055) The Hospital for Sick Children Homo sapiens ESI 144
Distinct Human Hepatocyte Lipidomics Profiles for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and In Vitro-Induced Steatosis (ST002057) Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Homo sapiens ESI 374

Number of records: 1081

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