About Our Partners
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LSI aims to create a common standard for minimum acceptable data quality and reporting for lipidomics. We aim to centralize lipidomics standards with the goal of guiding and stimulating users, reviewers, editors, and funders towards harmonized lipidomic outputs. This covers the major lipidomic workflows including sample collection, storage as well as data deconvolution and reporting. The initiative is a community-wide effort covering methodological progress based on the input of researchers in the field.
The UK Node (ELIXIR-UK) is a distributed effort across the UK partners and builds upon the breadth and depth of the consortium members to provide training and resources that support the bioinformatics and broader research community to have impact and relevance at the national, European and international level.
The UK Node is overseen by Joint Head of Nodes Prof. Carole Goble (University of Manchester) and Prof. Neil Hall (Earlham Institute). The UK Node coordination office is located at Earlham Institute and funded by the BBSRC, MRC and NERC. This funding supports the coordination activities and does not provide funding for the UK Node’s resources and services. Services and resources are expected to raise their own funding through a diversity of funding schemes.
ELIXIR was founded in 2014 and currently includes 23 members and over 220 research organisations who work together via a ‘Hub and Nodes’ model.

Biodata resources and the critical ecosystem they form are at risk. As these data continue to grow, GBC ensure they are sustained and remain open into the future through effective, long-term financial support. The GBC convenes the world’s research funders to exchange knowledge and share strategies for supporting biodata resources, and provides a discussion forum for the managers of data resources, with the aim of developing principles and models for the coordinated funding of global core biodata resources.
ELIXIR is a European life sciences infrastructure, bringing together scientists from 23 countries and over 250 research institutes. This infrastructure makes it easier for scientists to find and share data, exchange expertise, and agree on best practices. ELIXIR enables researchers to access and analyse life science data, to improve the value and impact of life science research on public health, the environment and the economy.
ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organisation that brings together life science resources from across Europe. These resources include databases, software tools, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers.

EpiLipidNET aims to build and maintain a multidisciplinary pan-European network of researchers, clinicians and enterprises working in the field of lipidomics and epilipidomics. These two areas are the most promising to further increase the knowledge of lipids and develop new ways to prevent, early diagnose and monitor diseases and establish new therapeutics.
The overreaching goal is to establish an expert centre for integrative lipidomics, to facilitate multidisciplinary networking, knowledge building and technology development.

The International Lipidomics Society (ILS) is a scientific non-profit organization representing and promoting lipidomics through worldwide cooperation.
ILS aims to foster the development of new technologies, techniques, resources, skills and training through international collaborations.

The Metabolomics Workbench serves as a national and international repository for metabolomics data and metadata and provides analysis tools and access to metabolite standards, protocols, tutorials, training, and more.
SwissLipids is an expert curated resource that provides a framework for the integration of lipid and lipidomic data with biological knowledge and models. Information about known lipids, including knowledge of lipid structures, metabolism, interactions, and subcellular and tissular localization is curated from peer-reviewed literature.
WikiPathways was established to facilitate the contribution and maintenance of pathway information by the biology community. WikiPathways is an open, collaborative platform dedicated to the curation of biological pathways. WikiPathways presents a new model for pathway databases that enhances and complements ongoing efforts. WikiPathways greatly reduces the barrier to participate in pathway modeling. More importantly, the open, public approach of WikiPathways allows for broader participation by the entire community. This approach also shifts the bulk of peer review, editorial review, and maintenance to the community.