MS Studies on the Metabolomics Workbench Containing Lipids

These studies were depositied in the NIH Metabolomics Data Repository from institutions around the world, and are hosted on the Metabolomics Workbench. Search, sort, and filter using the options below. Links lead to the Metabolomics Workbench website.

EI: Electron ionization(GC-MS); ESI: Electrospray ionization (LC-MS)


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Study Title, Institute, Subject Species, MS Type (case insensitive)

Study Title
Subject Species
MS Type
Number of lipids
Lipidomic Comparison of 2D and 3D Colon Cancer Cell Culture Models (ST002070) The Ohio State University Homo sapiens ESI 299
Profiling of the human intestinal microbiome and bile acids under physiologic conditions using an ingestible sampling device (Part 2) (ST002075) University of California, Davis Homo sapiens ESI 48
Dynamic Lipidome Alterations Associated with Human Health, Disease, and Aging (ST002081) Stanford University Homo sapiens ESI 844
Predicting dying: a study of the metabolic changes and the dying process in patients with lung cancer (ST002082) University of Liverpool Institute of Life Course & Medical Sciences Homo sapiens ESI 52
Plasma Metabolomic signatures of COPD in a SPIROMICS cohort: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstructions and emphysema (ST002088) National Jewish Health Homo sapiens ESI 390
Plasma metabolomic signatures of COPD: A metabolomic severity score for airflow obstruction and emphysema. (ST002089) National Jewish Health Homo sapiens ESI 387
Serum lipids are associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a pilot case-control study in Mexico (ST002091) University of California, Los Angeles Homo sapiens Other 686
Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) (ST002094) Mayo Clinic Homo sapiens ESI 474
Chemoresistant Cancer Cell Lines are Characterized by Migratory, Amino Acid Metabolism, Protein Catabolism and IFN1 Signalling Perturbations (ST002104) Future Industries Institute Homo sapiens ESI 64
Towards a mechanistic understanding of patient response to neoadjuvant SBRT with anti-PDL1 in human HPV-unrelated locally advanced HNSCC: Phase I/Ib trial results (Part 1) (ST002109) University of Colorado Denver Homo sapiens ESI 38
Towards a mechanistic understanding of patient response to neoadjuvant SBRT with anti-PDL1 in human HPV-unrelated locally advanced HNSCC: Phase I/Ib trial results (Part 2) (ST002110) University of Colorado Denver Homo sapiens ESI 45
Alignment and Analysis of a Disparately Acquired Multi-Batch Metabolomics Study of Maternal Pregnancy Samples (Part 1) (ST002134) University of Michigan Homo sapiens ESI 491
Alignment and Analysis of a Disparately Acquired Multi-Batch Metabolomics Study of Maternal Pregnancy Samples. (Part 2) (ST002135) University of Michigan Homo sapiens ESI 491
Sphingomyelin depletion inhibits CXCR4 dynamics and CXCL12-mediated directed cell migration in human T cells (ST002150) Universidad CEU San Pablo Homo sapiens ESI 36
Longitudinal metabolomic stool dynamics in primary C. difficile infections (ST002155) Brigham Women's Hospital Homo sapiens Unspecified 416
Global, distinctive and personal changes in molecular and microbial profiles induced by specific fibers in humans (Targeted) (ST002180) Stanford University Homo sapiens ESI 888
Metabolic signature of idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (ST002196) Seoul National University Homo sapiens ESI 114
Human Trisome Project Plasma Metabolomics v1 (ST002200) University of Colorado Denver Homo sapiens ESI 66
Human fecal metabolome profiles under 3 different dietary terms (ST002212) Keio University Homo sapiens ESI 44
Metabolic changes in Alzheimer patient-derived induced neurons versus non-demented controls (ST002213) University of Colorado Denver Homo sapiens ESI 73
The effects of PKM2 modulation and hypoxia on the metabolic landscape of Alzheimer patient-derived induced neurons (ST002214) University of Colorado Denver Homo sapiens ESI 25
Metabolomics Analysis of HOG-EV and HOG-R132H Cells with and without BAY 2402234 Treatment (ST002231) UT Southwestern Medical Center Homo sapiens ESI 104
A metabolic map of the DNA damage response identifies PRDX1 in nuclear ROS scavenging and aspartate synthesis (ST002234) CRG Homo sapiens ESI 27
Lipidomics analysis of Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) (part II) (ST002243) University of Pennsylvania Homo sapiens ESI 390
Metabolomics analysis of Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) (part I) (ST002244) University of Pennsylvania Homo sapiens ESI 27
Longitudinal fecal metabolomic profiles from mothers and their infants in the EDIA study (ST002246) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Homo sapiens ESI 304
Microbiota and Health Study (Dhaka, Bangladesh) (ST002247) Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Homo sapiens ESI 334
Quantitative multi-Omics analysis of paclitaxel-loaded Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles for identification of potential biomarkers for head and neck cancer (ST002248) University of Sharjah Homo sapiens ESI 34
Targeted plasma metabolomics in pediatric NAFLD patients (ST002269) Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital Homo sapiens ESI 285
Multi-Omics analysis revealed a significant alteration of critical metabolic pathways due to sorafenib-resistance in Hep3B cell lines (ST002273) Sharjah Institute for Medical Research Homo sapiens ESI 23
The “ForensOMICS” approach to forensic post-mortem interval estimation: combining metabolomics, lipidomics and proteomics for the analysis human skeletal remains (ST002283) University of Central Lancashire Homo sapiens ESI 594
Genetically defined human GBM organoids reveal principles of GBM development and actionable targets (ST002284) DKFZ Homo sapiens ESI 347
Untargeted metabolomics of HUVECs subjected to hypoxia-reoxygenation (ST002461) Tulane University School of Medicine Homo sapiens ESI 77
SETD1A regulates transcriptional pause release of heme biosynthesis genes in leukemia (ST002323) Chiba University Homo sapiens ESI 67
Metabolome and transcriptome analysis of oral mucosa of HIV+ patients reveal a role for polyamine metabolic pathway in T cell dysfunction (ST002328) Case Western Reserve University Homo sapiens ESI 78
Phospholipase D3 impact on the endolysosomal lipidome (ST002334) VIB-KU Leuven Homo sapiens ESI 1357
Guangzhou Nutrition and Health Study (GNHS) (ST002337) Westlake University Homo sapiens ESI 96
Lipidomics study of the cells defective in peroxisome division (ST002346) Kyushu university Homo sapiens ESI 88
Single cell lipidome analysis of phosphatidylcholines and spingomyelins from HepG2 and C2C12 cells (ST002366) Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Homo sapiens ESI 57
Single cell lipidome analysis of phosphatidylcholines and spingomyelins from prostate cells (ST002367) Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Homo sapiens ESI 56
Alcohol dehydrogenase 1B is crucial for adipocyte homeostasis (ST002400) INSERM Homo sapiens ESI 298
Stool global metabolite levels in peanut allergy (Part 2) (ST002405) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Homo sapiens ESI 117
Spatial, temporal, and inter-subject variation of the metabolome along the human upper intestinal tract (MS negative data) (ST002407) UC Davis Homo sapiens ESI 43
Spatial, temporal, and inter-subject variation of the metabolome along the human upper intestinal tract (MS RP positive data) (ST002409) UC Davis Homo sapiens ESI 241
Spatial, temporal, and inter-subject variation of the metabolome along the human upper intestinal tract (MS RP negative data) (ST002411) UC Davis Homo sapiens ESI 304
IFN-inducible phospholipid levels govern endosomal antiviral immunity (ST002413) University of Colorado Denver Homo sapiens ESI 166
UBXD8 lipidomics from whole cells (Part 1) (ST002421) University of Arizona Homo sapiens ESI 229
UBXD8 lipidomics from whole cells (Part 2) (ST002422) University of Arizona Homo sapiens ESI 211
Lipidomic analysis of human brain from frontotemporal dementia cases of with GRN and C9orf72 mutations (ST002452) The University of Sydney Homo sapiens ESI 669
Comparison of metabolite profiles from matched whole blood microsamplers, whole blood dried blood spots, and plasma. (ST002459) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Homo sapiens ESI 117

Number of records: 1081

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