Mass Spectrometry
Show Possible Cholesteryl ester Structures (based on computationally generated structures)
Enter a tab or space delimited list of m/z and intensity values of precursor ions and specify the intensity threshold (cutoff) and ion type:
Computational fatty acid rules:
Chain:C10 to C30 (even chains only)
Double bonds: 0 to 6
Rings: 0 to 1
Hydroxyl groups: 0 to 4
Hydroperoxy groups: 0 to 2
Epidioxy groups: 0 to 2
Keto (oxo) groups: 0 to 2
Epoxide groups: 0 to 2
Hydrogen/carbon ratio must be >=1
Carbon/oxygen ratio must be >=2
Examples of generic abbreviations:
(Ke= ketone; Ep=epoxy; OOH=hydroperoxy; OO=epidoxy; My=methylene; Me=methyl; OH=hydroxy; Et=ethyl; cyclo=ring-containing; NH2=amino)
21:0 19:0(Me2) 20:0(Me) 18:1(OOH,Ep) 18:2(OH3) 20:0(OH) 18:1(OH3) 22:5 20:4(Ke,OH)-cyclo 20:5(Ep,OH) 18:0(OH3) 22:4