Commonly occurring product ions for PE(P-14:0/30:0) (View full structure)

m/zIon DescriptionStructure (click to enlarge)
842.7008Precursor ion [M-H]-
648.4974Loss of plasmenyl group (RCH=CH2) from [M-H]-
630.4868Neutral loss of plasmenyl group RCH=CHOH) from [M-H]-
451.4521sn2 RCOO- ion
408.2521Loss of sn2 acyl chain as ketene (RCH=C=O) from [M-H]-
390.2415Neutral loss of sn2 RCOOH group from [M-H]-
152.9958Glycerol-3-phosphate ion with loss of H2O
140.0118Ethanolamine phosphate ion
122.0013Ethanolamine phosphate ion with loss of H2O
96.9696H2PO4- ion (from phosphate)
78.9591PO3- ion (from phosphate)
Note: Structures of product ions may represent one of a number of possible isobaric molecules in some cases