Commonly occurring product ions for PI(22:4(7Z,10Z,13Z,16Z)/19:0)) (View full structure)

m/zIon DescriptionStructure (click to enlarge)
927.5968Precursor ion [M-H]-
765.5440Loss of inositol from [M-H]-
647.3202Loss of sn2 acyl chain as ketene (RCH=C=O) from [M-H]-
629.3096Neutral loss of sn2 RCOOH group from [M-H]-
613.3358Loss of sn1 acyl chain as ketene (RCH=C=O) from [M-H]-
595.3253Neutral loss of sn1 RCOOH group from [M-H]-
485.2674Loss of sn2 acyl chain as ketene (RCH=C=O) and inositol from [M-H]-
467.2568Neutral loss of sn2 RCOOH group and inositol from [M-H]-
451.2830Loss of sn1 acyl chain as ketene (RCH=C=O) and inositol from [M-H]-
433.2725Neutral loss of sn1 RCOOH group and inositol from [M-H]-
331.2643sn1 RCOO- ion
315.0487Glycerophosphoinositol -H2O
297.2799sn2 RCOO- ion
297.0381Glycerophosphoinositol -2H2O
287.2744Loss of CO2 from sn1 RCOO- ion (PUFA)
259.0225Inositol phosphate ion
241.0119Inositol phosphate ion - H2O
223.0013Inositol phosphate ion - 2 H2O
152.9958Glycerol-3-phosphate ion with loss of H2O
96.9696H2PO4- ion (from phosphate)
78.9591PO3- ion (from phosphate)
Note: Structures of product ions may represent one of a number of possible isobaric molecules in some cases