LMPD Database


UniProt Annotations

Entry Information
Gene Namelipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis protein
Protein EntryRFAQ_ECOLI
UniProt IDP25742
SpeciesE. coli
Comment typeDescription
FunctionCatalyzes heptose transfer to the lipopolysaccharide core. It transfers a heptose, called heptose(III), to the heptose(II) of the inner core (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
InteractionP0A6F5:groL; NbExp=1; IntAct=EBI-555525, EBI-543750;
PathwayBacterial outer membrane biogenesis; LPS core biosynthesis.
SimilarityBelongs to the glycosyltransferase 9 family. {ECO:0000305}.