Lipidomics studies on NIDDK / NIST human plasma samples

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Time course details

Legend:graph_icon: View data for replicates. (View exact masses of various molecular ions by placing mouse over 'ions' hyperlinks)
LM_ID Name Mass
Value SEM Units
LMPR02010001 Coenzyme Q10862.7 (ions) 4310 420 pmol/ml
LMPR02010004 Coenzyme Q9794.6 (ions) 289 44 pmol/ml
LMPR03070026 Dolichol-161109.0 (ions) 0.13 0.05 pmol/ml
LMPR03070002 Dolichol-171177.1 (ions) 1.3 0.12 pmol/ml
LMPR03070003 Dolichol-181245.2 (ions) 8.79 0.54 pmol/ml
LMPR03070001 Dolichol-191313.2 (ions) 13.2 1.3 pmol/ml
LMPR03070004 Dolichol-201381.3 (ions) 1.7 0.58 pmol/ml