Lipidomics studies on macrophages - bone marrow-derived macrophages treated with Kdo2-Lipid A

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technical replicates
LM_ID Name 0 hrs 6 hrs 24 hrs Units
  LMST01010086 22R-hydroxy-cholesterol - - - pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010012 24,25-epoxy-cholesterol 8.5 10 8.1 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010018 25-hydroxy-cholesterol 7.2 24 20 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010057 27-hydroxy-cholesterol - - - pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010014 4beta-hydroxy-cholesterol 2 2.3 2.2 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010069 7-Dehydrocholesterol 22 28 35 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010049 7-oxo-cholesterol - - - pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010013 7alpha-hydroxy-cholesterol 17 16 17 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010015 Cholestenone 1.8 1.9 2.2 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010001 Cholesterol 20830 23310 23880 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010016 Desmosterol 1320 1470 1140 pmol/1E6 cells
  LMST01010017 Lanosterol 5 7 9.6 pmol/1E6 cells
  DNA 19 30 24 ug/sample


*: The units in the table and graphs correspond to the pmol of each species which was determined by dividing the areas under the LC MS/MS elution curve for each species by that for an appropriate deuterated surrogate standard then multiplied by the amount of the surrogate standard added (~10 pmol to 2 nmol depending on the compound of interest). For most of the analytes, the intensities were similiar for equivalent amounts of the analyte as for the internal standard when the LC MS/MS parameters were optimized and quantitative analysis was conducted by Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM). If necessary, small corrections were made using empirically determined relative response factors (RRF). The pmoles were then normalized to the measured quantity of DNA present in each sample (i.e. dish of RAW cells at time zero or at varying times following treatment with and without Kdo2 lipid A).