Lipidomics studies on macrophages - foam cell study with wild-type and LDLR(-/-) mice, normal and high-fat diets
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Peritoneal macrophages were obtained from thioglycolate-stimulated wild-type and low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout (LDLR(-/-)) mice maintained on normal and Western (High-fat, high cholesterol) diets according to protocols PP0000003000 and PP0000003100 (pdf). MS measurements were taken for: (i) Wild-type mouse/Normal diet; (ii) Wild-type mouse/High-cholesterol diet; (iii)LDLR(-/-) mouse/Normal diet; (iv) LDLR( -/-) mouse/High-cholesterol diet. Three separate experiments (biological replicates) were carried out, and MS measurements were performed in triplicate (technical replicates).