LIPID MAPS Annual Meeting 2009:
Lipidomics Impact on Cell Biology, Structural Biochemistry and Immunopathology
May 6-7, 2009, La Jolla, CA

Meeting Overview | Program | Speakers | Posters | Travel and Lodging | Registration | Contact | Meeting Photo

Travel and Lodging

The LIPID MAPS Meeting will take place at the Faculty Club of the University of California San Diego. The meeting will run 8 AM - 8 PM (including dinner) on Wednesday, May 6, and from 8 AM - 4:30 PM on Thursday, May 7.

The following committee meetings (participation by committee members only) will take place following the meeting: Advisory Committee Meeting 4:30-6:30 PM Thursday, May 7. Operating and Executive Committee Meetings 7:30-11:30 AM Friday, May 8.

Atkinson Pavilion

Atkinson Pavilion, UCSD Faculty Club

Transportation Between Hotel and UCSD Faculty Club

A Coach America bus has been reserved to shuttle participants between the hotel and the UCSD Faculty Club. The shuttle schedule is below (times are actual departure times - bus will arrive 10-15 minutes prior):

May 6
Hotel pickup: 7:45 AM
Arrival at Faculty Club: 8:00 AM

Faculty Club pick up (after dinner): 8:00 PM
Arrival at Hotel: 8:15 PM
May 7
Hotel pickup: 7:45 AM
Arrival at Faculty Club: 8:00 AM

Faculty Club pick up: 4:30 PM
Arrival at Hotel: 4:45 PM

If you prefer to walk, it's about a 15 minute walk between the hotel and the Faculty Club. You can download a map of the UCSD Campus, with suggested walking and driving routes, or visit UCSD Campus Maps.

A block of hotel rooms have been reserved at the UCSD rate of $159 per night at the Sheraton La Jolla Hotel. The hotel is about a fifteen minute walk from the Faculty Club, and we will also have a shuttle available. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at (858) 453-5500. Rooms are limited and are on a first-come-first-served basis.


Sheraton La Jolla Hotel

The hotel and the campus are about 15 miles (20-30 minutes) north of San Diego International Airport. Information about the airport and local transportation is available San Diego International Airport web site.