LMPD Database


Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID2768718
Gene Namequiver
Gene Symbolqvr
SpeciesDrosophila melanogaster
Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)
GO IDSourceTypeDescription
GO:0031225 IEA:UniProtKB-KWCanchored component of membrane
GO:0009897 IDA:FlyBaseCexternal side of plasma membrane
GO:0005886 IDA:UniProtKBCplasma membrane
GO:0034235 IDA:UniProtKBFGPI anchor binding
GO:0045837 IGI:FlyBasePnegative regulation of membrane potential
GO:0045938 IMP:FlyBasePpositive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep
GO:0045187 IMP:UniProtKBPregulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep
GO:0032222 IMP:FlyBasePregulation of synaptic transmission, cholinergic
GO:0030431 IGI:FlyBasePsleep