Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

Gene ID
Mus musculus (Mouse)
Gene Name
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial
Gene Symbol
Alternate Names
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial; P90; GPAT-1
Map Location
19 D2|19 50.81 cM
EC Number


glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial
Refseq ID NP_032175
Protein GI 34536827
UniProt ID Q61586
mRNA ID NM_008149
Length 827

Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID
Gene Name
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial
Gene Symbol
Mus musculus

Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)

GO ID Source Type Description
GO:0016021 IEA:UniProtKB-KW C integral component of membrane
GO:0005743 IDA:MGI C mitochondrial inner membrane
GO:0005741 IEA:UniProtKB-KW C mitochondrial outer membrane
GO:0005739 IDA:MGI C mitochondrion
GO:0005886 IEA:InterPro C plasma membrane
GO:0004366 IDA:MGI F glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity
GO:0016024 IEA:UniProtKB-UniPathway P CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process
GO:0006637 IMP:MGI P acyl-CoA metabolic process
GO:0051607 IMP:MGI P defense response to virus
GO:0055089 IMP:MGI P fatty acid homeostasis
GO:0006631 IMP:MGI P fatty acid metabolic process
GO:0006650 IMP:MGI P glycerophospholipid metabolic process
GO:0070970 IMP:MGI P interleukin-2 secretion
GO:0070236 IMP:MGI P negative regulation of activation-induced cell death of T cells
GO:0055091 IMP:MGI P phospholipid homeostasis
GO:0042104 IMP:MGI P positive regulation of activated T cell proliferation
GO:0040018 IMP:MGI P positive regulation of multicellular organism growth
GO:0050707 IMP:MGI P regulation of cytokine secretion
GO:0009749 IMP:MGI P response to glucose
GO:0019432 IEA:Ensembl P triglyceride biosynthetic process
GO:0006641 IMP:MGI P triglyceride metabolic process

KEGG Pathway Links

KEGG Pathway ID Description
mmu00561 Glycerolipid metabolism
mmu00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism

REACTOME Pathway Links

REACTOME Pathway ID Description
5894006 Activation of gene expression by SREBF (SREBP)

Domain Information

InterPro Annotations

Accession Description
IPR022284 Glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase/Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase
IPR028354 Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, PlsB
IPR002123 Phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase

UniProt Annotations

Entry Information

Gene Name
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial
Protein Entry
UniProt ID


Comment Type Description
Catalytic Activity Acyl-CoA + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = CoA + 1- acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate.
Domain The HXXXXD motif is essential for acyltransferase activity and may constitute the binding site for the phosphate moiety of the glycerol-3-phosphate. {ECO:0000250}.
Function Esterifies acyl-group from acyl-ACP to the sn-1 position of glycerol-3-phosphate, an essential step in glycerolipid biosynthesis. {ECO:0000250}.
Pathway Phospholipid metabolism; CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis; CDP-diacylglycerol from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate: step 1/3.
Similarity Belongs to the GPAT/DAPAT family. {ECO:0000305}.
Subcellular Location Mitochondrion outer membrane {ECO:0000250}; Multi-pass membrane protein {ECO:0000250}.
Tissue Specificity Highest levels in liver, intermediate levels in muscle and kidney, and lowest levels in lung and brain.

Identical and Related Proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP001460 (as displayed in Record Overview)

Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein Name
34536827 RefSeq NP_032175 827 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial

Identical Sequences to LMP001460 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:34536827 GenBank EDL01718.1 827 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial, isoform CRA_a [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 GenBank EDL01719.1 827 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial, isoform CRA_a [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 RefSeq XP_006526755.1 827 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial isoform X1 [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 RefSeq XP_006526756.1 827 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial isoform X2 [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 RefSeq XP_006526757.1 827 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial isoform X3 [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 SwissProt Q61586.2 827 RecName: Full=Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial; Short=GPAT-1; AltName: Full=P90; Flags: Precursor [Mus musculus]

Related Sequences to LMP001460 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:34536827 DBBJ BAD32480.1 848 mKIAA1560 protein, partial [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 GenBank AAA37647.1 827 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase [Mus musculus]
GI:34536827 GenBank ABH86330.1 827 Sequence 15 from patent US 7052888
GI:34536827 GenBank ACH30255.1 827 Sequence 15 from patent US 7410785
GI:34536827 GenBank ADS79868.1 827 Sequence 15 from patent US 7820403
GI:34536827 SwissProt P97564.3 828 RecName: Full=Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, mitochondrial; Short=GPAT-1; Flags: Precursor [Rattus norvegicus]