Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

Gene ID
Mus musculus (Mouse)
Gene Name
phospholipid scramblase 1
Gene Symbol
MmTRA1a; MmTRA1b; Nor1; Tra1; Tra1a; Tra1b; Tras1; Tras2
Alternate Names
phospholipid scramblase 1; PL scramblase 1; transplantability-associated protein 1; ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid scramblase 1
Map Location
9 E3.3|9


phospholipid scramblase 1
Refseq ID NP_035766
Protein GI 194328695
UniProt ID Q9JJ00
mRNA ID NM_011636
Length 328

Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID
Gene Name
phospholipid scramblase 1
Gene Symbol
Mus musculus

Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)

GO ID Source Type Description
GO:0005829 IDA:UniProtKB C cytosol
GO:0031012 ISS:UniProtKB C extracellular matrix
GO:0005794 ISS:UniProtKB C Golgi apparatus
GO:0005887 ISS:UniProtKB C integral component of plasma membrane
GO:0045121 ISS:UniProtKB C membrane raft
GO:0005730 ISS:UniProtKB C nucleolus
GO:0005634 IDA:UniProtKB C nucleus
GO:0005886 IDA:UniProtKB C plasma membrane
GO:0005509 ISS:UniProtKB F calcium ion binding
GO:0042609 ISS:UniProtKB F CD4 receptor binding
GO:0003677 IEA:UniProtKB-KW F DNA binding
GO:0005154 ISS:UniProtKB F epidermal growth factor receptor binding
GO:0017128 ISS:UniProtKB F phospholipid scramblase activity
GO:0001077 ISS:UniProtKB F RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcription
GO:0017124 ISS:UniProtKB F SH3 domain binding
GO:0006953 IEP:UniProtKB P acute-phase response
GO:0071345 IEP:UniProtKB P cellular response to cytokine stimulus
GO:0071222 IEP:UniProtKB P cellular response to lipopolysaccharide
GO:0051607 IMP:UniProtKB P defense response to virus
GO:0097193 IDA:UniProtKB P intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
GO:0030099 IMP:MGI P myeloid cell differentiation
GO:0032091 IDA:MGI P negative regulation of protein binding
GO:0045071 IMP:UniProtKB P negative regulation of viral genome replication
GO:0006659 IDA:UniProtKB P phosphatidylserine biosynthetic process
GO:0070782 IDA:MGI P phosphatidylserine exposure on apoptotic cell surface
GO:0017121 IDA:UniProtKB P phospholipid scrambling
GO:0043065 IGI:MGI P positive regulation of apoptotic process
GO:2000373 ISS:UniProtKB P positive regulation of DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing) activity
GO:0045089 IMP:UniProtKB P positive regulation of innate immune response
GO:1902231 IDA:MGI P positive regulation of intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage
GO:0045944 ISS:UniProtKB P positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
GO:0060368 ISS:UniProtKB P regulation of Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway
GO:0033003 ISS:UniProtKB P regulation of mast cell activation
GO:0035455 IMP:UniProtKB P response to interferon-alpha

Domain Information

InterPro Annotations

Accession Description
IPR005552 Scramblase

UniProt Annotations

Entry Information

Gene Name
phospholipid scramblase 1
Protein Entry
UniProt ID


Comment Type Description
Cofactor Name=Ca(2+); Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:29108; Evidence={ECO:0000250};
Disease Note=Participates in a chromosomal translocation that produces MMTRA1A which is leukemogenic to syngenic SL mice and athymic nude mice.
Domain The N-terminal proline-rich domain (PRD) is required for phospholipid scramblase activity. {ECO:0000250}.
Function May mediate accelerated ATP-independent bidirectional transbilayer migration of phospholipids upon binding calcium ions that results in a loss of phospholipid asymmetry in the plasma membrane. May play a central role in the initiation of fibrin clot formation, in the activation of mast cells and in the recognition of apoptotic and injured cells by the reticuloendothelial system. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12010804}.
Function May play a role in the antiviral response of interferon (IFN) by amplifying and enhancing the IFN response through increased expression of select subset of potent antiviral genes. May contribute to cytokine-regulated cell proliferation and differentiation. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12010804}.
Induction Up-regulated by SCF/KITL and GCSF/CSF3. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12010804}.
Miscellaneous Knockout newborn mice display a reduced granulocyte production. Hematopoietic precursor cell from knockout mice display defective colony formation and impaired differentiation to mature granulocytes as stimulated by SCF/KITL and GCSF/CSF3.
Sequence Caution Sequence=BAA23663.1; Type=Erroneous initiation; Evidence={ECO:0000305}; Sequence=BAA23664.1; Type=Frameshift; Positions=92; Evidence={ECO:0000305};
Similarity Belongs to the phospholipid scramblase family. {ECO:0000305}.
Subcellular Location Membrane {ECO:0000250}; Single-pass type II membrane protein. Membrane; Lipid-anchor {ECO:0000250}; Cytoplasmic side. Nucleus {ECO:0000250}.
Tissue Specificity Highly expressed in kidney, lung, liver and bone marrow, slightly in spleen, heart and macrophage.

Identical and Related Proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP004129 (as displayed in Record Overview)

Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein Name
194328695 RefSeq NP_035766 328 phospholipid scramblase 1

Identical Sequences to LMP004129 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:194328695 GenBank AAF77076.1 328 phospholipid scramblase 1 [Mus musculus]
GI:194328695 GenBank EDL20917.1 328 mCG17676 [Mus musculus]
GI:194328695 RefSeq XP_006511115.1 328 PREDICTED: phospholipid scramblase 1 isoform X1 [Mus musculus]
GI:194328695 SwissProt Q9JJ00.1 328 RecName: Full=Phospholipid scramblase 1; Short=PL scramblase 1; AltName: Full=Ca(2+)-dependent phospholipid scramblase 1; AltName: Full=Transplantability-associated protein 1; Short=NOR1; Short=TRA1 [Mus musculus]

Related Sequences to LMP004129 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:194328695 DBBJ BAB22897.1 328 unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
GI:194328695 DBBJ BAE29156.1 327 unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]
GI:194328695 GenBank AAH02017.1 327 Plscr1 protein [Mus musculus]
GI:194328695 RefSeq XP_005080791.1 328 PREDICTED: phospholipid scramblase 1 [Mesocricetus auratus]
GI:194328695 RefSeq XP_005366710.1 326 PREDICTED: phospholipid scramblase 1 [Microtus ochrogaster]
GI:194328695 RefSeq XP_006987008.1 334 PREDICTED: phospholipid scramblase 1 [Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii]