Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

Gene ID
Homo sapiens (Human)
Gene Name
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 9
Gene Symbol
Alternate Names
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3; MAG-1; GPAT-3; hGPAT3; 1-AGPAT 9; 1-AGP acyltransferase 9; endoplasmic reticulum associated GPAT; lung cancer metastasis-associated protein 1; lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase theta; lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, theta; 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 8; acyl-CoA:glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 9; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 10
Map Location
EC Number
This gene encodes a member of the lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase protein family. The encoded protein is an enzyme which catalyzes the conversion of glycerol-3-phosphate to lysophosphatidic acid in the synthesis of triacylglycerol. Multiple alternatively spliced variants, encoding the same protein, have been identified. [provided by RefSeq, Jan 2012]


glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3
Refseq ID NP_116106
Protein GI 21362092
UniProt ID Q53EU6
mRNA ID NM_032717
Length 434
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3
Refseq ID NP_001243350
Protein GI 374088031
UniProt ID Q53EU6
mRNA ID NM_001256421
Length 434
Protein sequence is identical to GI:21362092 (mRNA isoform)
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3
Refseq ID NP_001243351
Protein GI 374088036
UniProt ID Q53EU6
mRNA ID NM_001256422
Length 434
Protein sequence is identical to GI:21362092 (mRNA isoform)

Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID
Gene Name
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 9
Gene Symbol
Homo sapiens

Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)

GO ID Source Type Description
GO:0005783 IDA:UniProtKB C endoplasmic reticulum
GO:0005789 IDA:UniProtKB C endoplasmic reticulum membrane
GO:0016021 IEA:UniProtKB-KW C integral component of membrane
GO:0003841 IEA:UniProtKB-EC F 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity
GO:0004366 IDA:UniProtKB F glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity
GO:0016024 IEA:UniProtKB-UniPathway P CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthetic process
GO:0044255 TAS:Reactome P cellular lipid metabolic process
GO:0046474 TAS:Reactome P glycerophospholipid biosynthetic process
GO:0006654 TAS:Reactome P phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process
GO:0006644 TAS:Reactome P phospholipid metabolic process
GO:0032006 IDA:UniProtKB P regulation of TOR signaling
GO:0044281 TAS:Reactome P small molecule metabolic process
GO:0019432 IDA:UniProtKB P triglyceride biosynthetic process

KEGG Pathway Links

KEGG Pathway ID Description
hsa00561 Glycerolipid metabolism
hsa00564 Glycerophospholipid metabolism

REACTOME Pathway Links

REACTOME Pathway ID Description
REACT_120906 Synthesis of PA

Domain Information

InterPro Annotations

Accession Description
IPR002123 Phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase

UniProt Annotations

Entry Information

Gene Name
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 9
Protein Entry
UniProt ID


Comment Type Description
Catalytic Activity Acyl-CoA + 1-acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = CoA + 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate.
Catalytic Activity Acyl-CoA + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate = CoA + 1- acyl-sn-glycerol 3-phosphate.
Caution Despite its name, this protein appears to lack measurable glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase activity under some conditions (PMID
Domain The HXXXXD motif is essential for acyltransferase activity and may constitute the binding site for the phosphate moiety of the glycerol-3-phosphate.
Enzyme Regulation Inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM).
Function May transfer the acyl-group from acyl-coA to the sn-1 position of glycerol-3-phosphate, an essential step in glycerolipid biosynthesis. Also transfers the acyl-group from acyl-coA to the sn-2 position of 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate (lysophosphatidic acid, or LPA), forming 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol-3- phosphate (phosphatidic acid, or PA). {ECO
Pathway Glycerolipid metabolism; triacylglycerol biosynthesis.
Pathway Phospholipid metabolism; CDP-diacylglycerol biosynthesis; CDP-diacylglycerol from sn-glycerol 3-phosphate: step 1/3.
Similarity Belongs to the 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase family.
Subcellular Location Endoplasmic reticulum membrane ; Multi- pass membrane protein {ECO
Tissue Specificity Widely expressed. Expressed in liver, kidney, testis, brain, heart, skeletal muscle, thyroid, prostate, thymus and placenta. Also expressed lung and adipose tissue.

Identical and Related Proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP006766 (as displayed in Record Overview)

Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein Name
21362092 RefSeq NP_116106 434 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3

Identical Sequences to LMP006766 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:21362092 EMBL CBX47664.1 434 unnamed protein product [Homo sapiens]
GI:21362092 GenBank ADR96964.1 434 Sequence 382 from patent US 7749695
GI:21362092 GenBank AHL57978.1 434 Sequence 488 from patent US 8647822
GI:21362092 RefSeq XP_002814985.1 434 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 isoform X1 [Pongo abelii]
GI:21362092 RefSeq NP_001243350.1 434 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 [Homo sapiens]
GI:21362092 RefSeq NP_001243351.1 434 glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 [Homo sapiens]

Related Sequences to LMP006766 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:21362092 DBBJ BAD97263.1 434 hypothetical protein MGC11324 variant, partial [Homo sapiens]
GI:21362092 RefSeq XP_001134987.1 434 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 isoform X2 [Pan troglodytes]
GI:21362092 RefSeq XP_003265890.1 434 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 isoform 1 [Nomascus leucogenys]
GI:21362092 RefSeq XP_004089056.1 434 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 isoform 2 [Nomascus leucogenys]
GI:21362092 RefSeq XP_005263371.1 526 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 isoform X1 [Homo sapiens]
GI:21362092 RefSeq XP_009445897.1 434 PREDICTED: glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 3 isoform X2 [Pan troglodytes]