Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

Gene ID
Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
Gene Name
glucosidase, beta, acid
Gene Symbol
Alternate Names
glucosylceramidase; glucocerebrosidase;
Map Location
EC Number


glucosylceramidase precursor
Refseq ID NP_001121111
Protein GI 189083714
UniProt ID B2RYC9
mRNA ID NM_001127639
Length 515
sig_peptide: 1..19 inference: COORDINATES: ab initio prediction:SignalP:4.0 calculated_mol_wt: 2163 peptide sequence: MAARFIGLFLFQAISWAYG

Gene Information

Entrez Gene ID
Gene Name
glucosidase, beta, acid
Gene Symbol
Rattus norvegicus

Gene Ontology (GO Annotations)

GO ID Source Type Description
GO:0070062 IEA:Ensembl C extracellular vesicular exosome
GO:0043202 IEA:Ensembl C lysosomal lumen
GO:0005765 IEA:Ensembl C lysosomal membrane
GO:0004348 IDA:RGD F glucosylceramidase activity
GO:0005975 IEA:InterPro P carbohydrate metabolic process
GO:0071356 IEA:Ensembl P cellular response to tumor necrosis factor
GO:0046513 IEA:Ensembl P ceramide biosynthetic process
GO:0006680 IEA:Ensembl P glucosylceramide catabolic process
GO:0032715 IEA:Ensembl P negative regulation of interleukin-6 production
GO:0043407 IEA:Ensembl P negative regulation of MAP kinase activity
GO:0035307 IEA:Ensembl P positive regulation of protein dephosphorylation
GO:0033561 IMP:RGD P regulation of water loss via skin
GO:0043627 IDA:RGD P response to estrogen
GO:0051384 IDA:RGD P response to glucocorticoid
GO:0009268 IDA:RGD P response to pH
GO:0033574 IDA:RGD P response to testosterone
GO:0097066 IDA:RGD P response to thyroid hormone
GO:0043589 IMP:RGD P skin morphogenesis
GO:0046512 IEA:Ensembl P sphingosine biosynthetic process
GO:0023021 IEA:Ensembl P termination of signal transduction

KEGG Pathway Links

KEGG Pathway ID Description
ko04142 Lysosome
rno04142 Lysosome
rno01100 Metabolic pathways
ko00511 Other glycan degradation
rno00511 Other glycan degradation
ko00600 Sphingolipid metabolism
rno00600 Sphingolipid metabolism

REACTOME Pathway Links

REACTOME Pathway ID Description
5954485 Glycosphingolipid metabolism
5953250 Metabolism
5953289 Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins
5954267 Sphingolipid metabolism

Domain Information

InterPro Annotations

Accession Description
IPR013781 Glycoside hydrolase, catalytic domain
IPR001139 Glycoside hydrolase, family 30
IPR017853 Glycoside hydrolase superfamily
IPR013780 Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, all-beta

UniProt Annotations

Entry Information

Gene Name
glucosidase, beta, acid
Protein Entry
UniProt ID


Comment Type Description
Catalytic Activity D-glucosyl-N-acylsphingosine + H(2)O = D- glucose + N-acylsphingosine
Similarity Belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase 30 family

Identical and Related Proteins

Unique RefSeq proteins for LMP013631 (as displayed in Record Overview)

Protein GI Database Accession Length Protein Name
189083714 RefSeq NP_001121111 515 glucosylceramidase precursor

Identical Sequences to LMP013631 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:189083714 GenBank EDM00662.1 515 rCG62590 [Rattus norvegicus]
GI:189083714 GenBank AAI66732.1 515 Gba protein [Rattus norvegicus]

Related Sequences to LMP013631 proteins

Reference Database Accession Length Protein Name
GI:189083714 GenBank AAM66757.1 515 glucocerebrosidase precursor [Mus musculus]
GI:189083714 GenBank EDL15230.1 515 glucosidase, beta, acid, isoform CRA_b [Mus musculus]
GI:189083714 GenBank EDM00662.1 515 rCG62590 [Rattus norvegicus]
GI:189083714 GenBank AAI66732.1 515 Gba protein [Rattus norvegicus]