LIPID MAPS® Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD)

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Proteins with GO_ID: GO:0016314

LMP_ID GENE_ID Gene Name Gene Symbol Species
LMP008986 43991 CG5671 gene product from transcript CG5671-RB Pten Drosophila
LMP000810 5728 phosphatase and tensin homolog PTEN Human
LMP002953 19211 phosphatase and tensin homolog Pten Mouse
LMP012638 50557 phosphatase and tensin homolog Pten Rat
LMP014722 705121 phosphatase and tensin homolog PTEN Rhesus monkey
LMP007128 855595 Tep1p TEP1 Yeast (S288c)
LMP012258 794088 phosphatase and tensin homolog A ptena Zebrafish
LMP011623 368415 phosphatase and tensin homolog B ptenb Zebrafish
LMP011574 327292 transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology tpte Zebrafish