Hierarchical shorthand notation for examples of fatty esters, aldehydes, and amides

Species level: Sum composition, Molecular species level: Lipid species with identified acyl/alkyl-residues, DB-Position level: Defined position of double bond(s), Full structure level: Molecular species with constituents and functional groups including positions, Complete structure level: Molecular species with constituents and functional groups including positions and stereochemistry (acc. to LMSD).

Subclass Species level Molecular species level DB-position level Full structure level Complete structure level (= Common name)
Wax esters1 WE 32:1 WE 14:0/18:1 WE 14:0/18:1(9) WE 14:0/18:1(9Z) WE 14:0/18:1(9Z)
Wax ester structure
Wax diesters1 WD 42:0 WD 22:0/FA 10:0_FA 10:0 WD 22:0/FA 10:0_FA 10:0 WD 22:0;2O(FA 10:0),3O(FA 10:0) WD 22:0;2O(FA 10:0),3O(FA 10:0)
Wax ester structure
Fatty estolides (FA-EST) FAHFA 36:1;O FAHFA 18:1/18:0;O FAHFA 18:1(9)/18:0;O FAHFA 18:1(9Z)/9O(FA 18:0) FAHFA 18:1(9Z)/9O(FA 18:0[R])
Wax ester structure
Short fatty esters1 FA 19:0 SFE 1:0/18:0 SFE 1:0/18:0 Methyl stearate
Short fatty esters1 FA 20:3 SFE 18:3/2:0 SFE 18:3(9,12,15)/2:0 SFE 18:3(9Z,12Z,15Z)/2:0 SFE 18:3(9Z,12Z,15Z)/2:0
α-Linolenyl acetate
N-acyl amines (NA)1 NA 24:4 NA 4:0/20:4 NA 4:0/20:4(5,8,11,14) NA 4:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z) NA 4:0/20:4(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)
N-acyl ethanolamines (NAE)1 NAE 18:2 NAE 18:2 NAE 18:2(9,12) NAE 18:2(9Z,12Z) NAE 18:2(9Z,12Z) (Anandamide 18:2,n-6)

1 In shorthand notation for wax monoesters (WE), wax diesters (WD), short fatty esters (SFE) and fatty amides (NA, NAE), alcohol and amine moieties precede the fatty acyl moiety.