MetaboAnalyst 5.0
Functional and statistical analysis of metabolomics data
MetaboAnalyst 5.0 is a user-friendly web-based tool for statistical and functional interpretation of metabolomics (including lipidomics) data. The tool supports a wide-variety of univariate or multivariate statistical and machine learning methods to identify important features and patterns. MetaboAnalyst 5.0 also has methods for raw spectra processing, biomarker identification and meta-analysis. The tool supports Pathway Analysis for 26 organisms as well as Enrichment analysis of ~ 9, 000 metabolite sets, including all lipid classes from LipidMaps. Herein, the tool implements a smart-matching algorithm to aid users match their named-lipids with the internal MetaboAnalyst compound database. The tool provides rich and interactive visualizations to support users to explore their data. Finally, all tabular outputs, publication-quality figures, and PDF summary report are available at the end of a user’s session for download.