"Bulk" Structure Searches

Search LMSD with a List of Precursor Ions

The LIPID MAPS® Structure Database (LMSD) is a relational database encompassing structures and annotations of biologically relevant lipids. One can use this interface to search for "bulk", or "chain composition", structures — which provide information on number of carbons and double bond equivalents, but not regiochemistry or geometry — found in LMSD. Search results are based on theoretical considerations. It is highly recommended to validate formation and intensity of adduct ions in the individual setup. This should be done using authentic lipid standards. While only "bulk" lipid species are shown in the initial search results, links to corresponding fully annotated discrete lipids found in LMSD are provided.

As of today, LMSD contains 48716 unique lipid structures, making it the largest public lipid-only database in the world. Please note, however, that only lipids in categories Fatty Acyls [FA], Glycerolipids [GL], Glycerophospholipids [GP], Sphingolipids [SP], and Sterol Lipids [ST] are included in this search. Lipids in categories Prenol Lipids [PR], Saccharolipids [SL], and Polyketides [PK] are not amenable to representation by a "bulk" abbreviation.

Step 1

Provide a list of m/z values.

Peaklist file should contain a single column of m/z values as shown in the textarea on the left.

Step 2

Choose at least one ion adduct with appropriate polarity

Positive Mode
Negative Mode
Neutral Mass
Note: This option is for testing/QC purposes only.

Step 3

Step 4

Fatty Acyls [FA]
Glycerolipids [GL]
Glycerophospholipids [GP]
Sphingolipids [SP]
Sterol Lipids [ST]

Step 5